Portillo - Mr. Hankey
Butters Scotch - Kevin
Mr.Mackey, mmmkah- Clint
- reprimanding, hypocritical about drug use
Eric Cartman - Williams
- fat, antagonistic, hates cats
It's mid August. In a little over four months, the, uh, 00s decade will come to a close. What better place to be than Costa Rica? Right? Yes, that seems right. Haha. Oh, yes, joyous times. Ha.
In my dreamiest of dreams, I would love for the first international IC NYE to take place right here in Central America. I think I could work out a deal on a hotel and, in the middle of the US winter, we could celebrate NYE 2010 with a bonfire on the Pacific. (It's legal here) I'm posting this now to get the reactions of the IC and check the feasibility of this actually going down. I know Miller is committed, it seems Portillo is leaning this direction and Chambone just flatout comes through in the clutch. What yall think? Flights are cheap and I know I could get us a cheap hotel rate (like $25/night) on the beach.
Who's in??????
Or at least considering...
(Videos and pictures courtesy of A-Chub Productions. "Dude, that was fucking sweet")
It's Saturday night around midnight. My room is half in boxes and I just heard the roar of the El, probably the last train of the night, from the station a few blocks away.
Testing out the old arm strength
TUBE WARS (yes, that is Chambers with a lightsabor)
Fighting Faust in his black underwear
Losing our memory
And lots and LOTS of BEER BONGS
Pretty much the only thing you will NOT see at the lakehouse in two months is Lee Portillo....
Part II - A Few More from the archive.....
Getting Really Fucked Up after 7 Beer Bongs
Getting really really ridiculously fucked up after 14 Beer Bongs
Where's Waldo aka Brian Weiss? This is the only photo I have on file of BDub at the lake