Thursday, September 28, 2006

Imagine you didn’t know anyone in the Inner Circle. Not one. Pretty sad, right? Well, now imagine you met everyone for the first time. You were introduced to each for the very first time. They were just another shmuck at a crowded bar you met in passing. Who would you initially like, and who would you detest?

Butz – Overall pretty likeable and amusing, but he can be quite the pessimistic smart-ass.
Portillo- Has a jovial quality and will talk to anyone, but he will probably ask you to get him a drink, and then, maybe a ride a home.
Mazur- As cordial as they come, unless he’s drunk. In which case he may tell you he has a small child locked in his closet.
Chambers- Friendly to your face, but if you have a pink polo on and are talking politics he will rage on you.
Brown- He’s nice to everyone, but don’t get caught talking to his girlfriend… that’s grounds for a fight.
Kevin Bear- He may seem to be just your average sports-talking-super-fan… until you get him behind a keyboard.
Williams- He is the quintessential fun guy at the bar. But who likes the fun guy at the bar?
Faust- He’ll engage you in conversation about anything, but does he care? And what is that queer wearing?
Weiss- He is utterly unhateable, unless you hate strangers with Eastern European impersonations.
Miller- Maybe the worst first impressions of all time, but also the most entertaining bar patron to watch from afar.
Lubahn- Maybe the best first impressions of all time- everyone loves Brent. He’s from Minnesota! What a sweetie! Snake.

So, what do you guys think?

I do have a job. I just don’t care about it.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Pictures from the Duke's Bachelor Party.
Duke's Bachelor Party
Sep 26, 2006 - 32 Photos

Monday, September 25, 2006

Just 5 indians left... I disqualified Portillo and Mazur for having lovers. But, also because Mazur and Portillo have declared they are not really playing. I left Lubahn in because though he has a woman, he also has a baby. The penalties are offsetting. Which means he's getting nothing. I have also spoken with him on several occasions and know how much he is battling.

Good luck boys. But remember, Booya7 will not be around forever...

Saturday, September 23, 2006



According to IC sources, as of 9pm on Thursday night, BRIAN WEISS took the title as most susceptible to self-satisfaction, thus concluding round one of Mastofest 2006.

Apparently, after downing a bottle of MD 20/20, Brian found himself aroused watching a Shaun Michaels WCW cage match. He caved shortly thereafter.

Two days Brian? That is just pathetic.

I, after six days of self-restraint, found myself alone and aroused this (Saturday) afternoon. With a little help from our friend Booya7, I proudly bowed out around 2:30.

It felt very, very good.

Friday, September 22, 2006

B-dub, Do you have something to say?
I will now begin weekly installments of "Song of the Week." I will choose a song that I think must be heard. I will try to keep everyone's tastes in mind without diluting the quality of music I choose. No easy task considering we all listen to different kinds of tunes. Anyone else that would like to share a song with the group please do so....

Band: My Morning Jacket
Song: "Into the Woods"
Album: Z

It's eerie and wonderful. Here is my favorite line


Nice, and very topical considering our blog....
This is fucking hilarious. I encourage everyone to read. Oh how it brings back some memories...........

Pic of Chambers in '97

Everyone's invited. Brown and Portillo have already confirmed. Faust and Bone are pending. Mazur is busy. I have a feeling Bear's in. Miller is in Saigon. Butz will be in Lake Tahoe with Tom ``DJ'' Jackson. Weiss will say he's going to come and then not pick up the phone the week prior.

Faust, nice work on Zach Braff. Here's a similar article that gives me confidence in your movie assessment:,0,1039580.story?coll=mmx-movies_leftutility

Also, why didn't you guys come visit last year?,2845,MCA_25340_5012359,00.html

Oh yeah
So, to take our minds off Mastofest 06, I went to see The Last Kiss last night. Many of you have seen Garden State which Zach Braff also wrote... and it was a pretty damn good movie. Well, Zach is growing up at much the same rate as we are... that is why his career is so compelling. Garden State was about post college confusion, and The Last Kiss is about commitment and the fear of it. It's no masterpiece. It has a lot of wasted characters and some melodrama that will alienate many men.

But, I am no regular man. I am a feeler. I like feelings, and anyone of you who have been around me drunk knows you're in for a big hug and some stammering, yet sincere, I love yous. So, I dug this movie for the reason that I (we) can relate to this state of our lives. To commit or not to commit? To spend the rest of your life with the one you love or remain free? We don't talk about it. When she asks, "What are you thinking- be honest." We don't say, "Well, I love you, but man there's a lot of tail out there!" And this movie does a nice job of exposing our everyday lies. The little things we prefer to just look over. Because what's the alternative?


Yep, cheating is the alternative. And we know the whole story before we ever get started. We know it will be one fun night that will mutate into a guilt-ridden malaise that we can't escape. Until you tell her, or she finds out. Both are wonderful options. It's like when someone asks, would you rather be set on fire by your eyelids or be eatin alive by house cats?

So, the girl (played by Jacinda from the Real World 3 or something) finds out. She ends it with him in a violent break up. Her rage is very authentic. And there our hero is left with nothing but the memory of his infidelity. Not a bad memory considerng his fellow adultress is wicked sexy and she is 19 and he is 29. She also gives a great performance. But, enough about the movie, back to life. The grass will always seem greener on the other girl. You can convince yourself so easily that a night with another woman will cure you of this wandering eye. It will not. It will always be there. So, I guess if you have someone that is with you unconditionally and everything is good, except every time you see a 19yr old skirt go by it drives you out of your head- that's ok. It's just pointless to chase it.

So, who jerked off last night? -booya7

Thursday, September 21, 2006


He's the dirtiest of us all, he's just confined, like a pig, in a cage, on antibiotics...

Just kidding. But he even admitted he would not participate in this if he didn't live with Joan of Arc.

However, Lubahn's post about Portillo dirty-porn sparks so many memories, particularly the awkwardness and yet strange exhiliration of rubbing on your friend's PC (My victims include: Lubahn, Brown, Faust, Mom, Bob Cooter)

Portillo, however, used to download, and save ANIME porn.

Now that is creepius-maximus.
Because I have no girlfriend (or shame), I’ll post this on the blog.

I too have been fighting to remain the master of my domain. I caught the first bit of frustration yesterday when I was riding the bike. The constant pushing and pulling of loose wind pants almost prevented me from standing to greet an old acquaintance. As he rambled on about nothing, I sat there perplexed about my sudden return to the seventh grade. Why would loose fitting clothes have an effect on a twenty five year old?… Oh yea, I’m playing a game that every man fears but every girlfriend desires. Not to worry though, a little gym awkwardness will not thwart my efforts to prove that Adam Williams is the dirtiest masturbator I know. The poll speaks the truth!

Don’t hide in email fellas.

In Zax (just kidding),
Clint “I’m trying not to hit on the girl from work” Brown
Let's get some clarification.
1)I don't want the first spanker to end the competition. I say we play a little dominoes and see who stands last.

We thus reward that man, who at that time will have balls as big as mine. Ideas for rewards? Maybe we Lee lends him one of his cornucopia of porn that he hides from Eleah.

2) Who are the 14 people who voted? Huh? Who are the write-in votes from outside the realm of the ``IC''? Somebody's talking.

I want answers.

I aint losing.

Dahli Lama


Is everyone still in? I feel like the Honor System is at risk.

You're in a safe place. No one will judge you if you falter. Except maybe Mazur.

And God.

Oh, and Williams took the lead...

Williams, you're the devil. You too Weiss. (click below)

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

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Tuesday, September 19, 2006


My only goal is to finish second to last...
However, I feel the ``Usual suspects'' include:
- Brown (who I voted for)
- Faust (who is a sleeper, but he tells me things. Lots of things)
- Butz (Yea, I can see that)
- Me (Well, I do what I do, ok)
- Weiss (to Gay porn)

In the Hunt for the Title:
- Chambers - still gets the unattainable random tail; no need
- Lubahn - Bad example for kid; weed slows sexual prowess
- Portillo - Will get grounded
- Mazur - No penis
- Bear - Probably gets laid
- Miller - Also probably touches girls more than I do, which is at a rate of 1 per/3 months or ``quarterly'' as I've begun to call it.

What a brilliant, brilliant idea.

I'm Out...

Ha-Ha-Hardly. However, it's Tuesday. If I'm still in by Saturday, I consider it victory. I'll probably be punching people at work by then.
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Thoughts on the definition for a Mr. C-Bone.

Monday, September 18, 2006

Please allow me to combine a few different points of discussion from the blog. Point onew, there are better group analogies for the Inner Circle. While street fighter is a fun literary vehicle for us, it is also incorrect and miss-representative for most except Miller. And if you are going to write a street fighter story about miller you would have needed to make Salt (AKA J.J., AKA Louis' cousin) that strung out indian guy who kicked people in the back that miller punched.

Second point of debate. The moving of Williams to Chicago has brought up between my girlfriend and I the topic of debate of who would hook up with whom, should the gang of my friends ever party with her friends. (For all who have seen her friends on the myspace you know this debate is in props like fashion for all involved).

So basically the discussion goes like this.

Me - My (single) friend would nail everyone of your friends.

Eleah - None of my friends would ever drunkingly make out with your friends.

At this point I have to remind her that this is the same thing she thought when we first met. And low and behold 913 days later the game was, as we say, "over".

So this is why Street Fighter is a poorer representation of us than say the Goonies. Really we are a rag tag bunch of unassuming, poorly dressing kids whose parents are getting kicked off their land for a golf course. Myabe not that last part.

Now the comparisons here are about. Chambers is that red head chick with the braces that always bitches about everything. Faust I might have to say your corey fieldmen. Bad hair and clothes but still enderring none the less and with a penis statue to boot. I know you dont speak spanish lies to houskeepers but from what I heard your french lies are sufficient.. Bear definetly sloth. Large, in charge, slighty vulger but with a sweet tooth for rocky road as big as your honey pumping heart. Williams your parents are divorced so you could be Mickey. Miller your really kind of a Brand, though we have all seen you as sloppy and inappropriately sweaty as sloth. Weiss you are going to have to be Data. I like gagets and science so was thinking about picking him for myself, but I heard you have a near unhealthy appreciation for the Asian Sensation so its your. So of course I will give myself the all around favorite chunk, if only beause this is my blog entry and also because there was a time where I would do many a self-depraving thing to impress you guys. Brown we are out of characters but I think its pretty obvious that you inherit the hair styles, big white tennis shoes and character wardrobe of all participants in the movie. So you like almost omni-present.

Ok I gotta run, to be completed soon...