Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Zack is Back!

Ok, I dont know if anyone caught this last night or today while browsing on the web, but if you did then shame on you for not posting it earlier. This is one of the most awesome and funniest things I have seen in quite a long time. Williams, I wish I could be there when you watch this.

You may have more luck with the link.... click here

Sunday, June 07, 2009

The Great American City

It's Saturday night around midnight. My room is half in boxes and I just heard the roar of the El, probably the last train of the night, from the station a few blocks away.

This is the last Saturday night I'll spend in Chicago and I'd be lying if I claimed I wasn't pretty damn upset to leave this place. I've spent the last couple of weeks visiting the places (and chicas) I laid claim to while here; the ones of significant memories and of three pretty excellent years in this great American city.

Not to lull you to sleep with `Williams whimsical memory lane' blog, but, when I think about living in Chicago, I realize I was not born here and am not from here, but I'd be happy to grow old here. To me, this city embodies all that `America' has been erected to represent. From the towering monuments of corporations that make up the skyline (and of course a Trump tower), to the most pathetic project homes in the country, it encompasses the whitest of the white collars and the stankiest of the stank collars. It is, aside from New York, the American city that best represents the `melting pot' ideal of the country. I think the only type of person I haven't met here is an Antarctican.

Before I keep this up (because I could), I want to say: my best memories in Chicago were when the IC came through. New Years weekend, despite the infamous Japoneis Melee of 05-06, was about as good as it gets. I remember riding the train from Second City to my apartment and thinking how rad it was for my crew to sit through the cold and take the route I took about 109 times while I was here. Then there was Cubbies and Ditka with bachelor Bear, a sell out crowd to watch a Faust-Williams street fight, Lubahn verbally critiquing a movie with 45 minutes left in the film and a near miss on homosexuality with Weiss and our little harlot.

What I'm getting at is, despite all this Grade A city has to offer, it was when you all were here to experience it with me that I enjoyed it the most. SO, when you're on Expedia in two months and contemplating whether or not to hit `purchase' for a ticket to San Jose, Costa Rica, I urge you to come back and read this post. Then, to keep the tradition created here, I'll meet you at airport.

Thursday, June 04, 2009

Post Activity:

Here is where I would rank everyone based on post/comment activity over the last 2.5 years. Please tell me if I am wrong

Chronic Posters
1. Myself
2. Kevin
3. Adam W

Active Members
4. Marc
5. Brent
6. Matt
7. Brian

8. Michael
9. Lee
10. Clint

What does this mean? I am not sure. Am I bored? Is Brown super busy? I do not know. Really I was just tired of looking at that Costa Rican kid.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Costa Rica

Hello friends. This is a picture of San Jose, the capitol of Costa Rica. About three weeks ago, I was offered a writer/reporter gig there for a newspaper called The Tico Times, the only English speaking publication in the country and one of a few in Central America. I took it. They tell me I'll write primarily from San Jose, though I will travel around the country some and write stories about a number of topics. One of my beats is actually tourism, so I expect a fair amount of travel.
I figured, if I'm going to be a writer of some sort when I grow up, here's a pretty prime opportunity for material. A lot of my stuff will be online at http://www.ticotimes.net/. Feel free to hate mail me there when I slander your favorite Costa Rican political party.

So, in tres semanas, I leave Chicago, come through Dallas for a week (June 15-22) and head south. I hope to see as many as you as possible before leaving. If not, I hope you guys will come visit, especially considering airfare is as cheap or cheaper than flying to Chicago, and I hear the weather there is a little nicer.

Life happens.
A-Dub, I did a google image search of Costa Rica (trying to find a map), and this is one of the first images that came up.... have fun my friend.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Thursday, May 21, 2009

IC Lakehouse Trip - 2 Months Away
Things to look forward to....

Relaxing with old Friends

Fucking with old Friends

Testing out the old arm strength


Flip cup celebrations

TUBE WARS (yes, that is Chambers with a lightsabor)

Fighting Faust in his black underwear

Losing our memory

And lots and LOTS of BEER BONGS
Pretty much the only thing you will NOT see at the lakehouse in two months is Lee Portillo....

Part II - A Few More from the archive.....

Getting Really Fucked Up after 7 Beer Bongs

Getting really really ridiculously fucked up after 14 Beer Bongs

Where's Waldo aka Brian Weiss? This is the only photo I have on file of BDub at the lake

I hope I see more of Brian Weiss in this year's photos....

Friday, May 15, 2009

If I got someone to manufacture these, do you think they could sell?

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Please tell me what you think about this picture. I think they actually have a good relationship. But he knows he has to keep shit real. But he still love his woman.

Monday, May 11, 2009

2009 NBA Finals


Thursday, May 07, 2009

Im playing golf with Mike James tomorrow.

What are yall up to?
The entire interview is great, but mainly listen to his story in the first 30 seconds to a minute:

Friday, May 01, 2009

In addition to being very informative and motivating there is no doubt in my mind that these would sell.

A Baby Shower.... for dudes. A surprise baby shower was thrown in Chambers honor. He received clothing, booties, a can of Old English, A DVD titled "Power Pilates: Post-Pregnancy Workout," and a book titled, "Who's my mommy?."

It was a good party. The baby is due May 7th.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

It's a big day for the IC

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

I demand all to view

Monday, April 27, 2009

A Little Help

So, at Love Advertising we have an intern who looks a lot like Wendy. And Wendys just happens to be one of our clients. We are thinking about trying to do a viral video with her in it. Something clever and funny like an SNL Digital Short. So, I was racking my brain and realized I need to employ the smartest/funniest group of folks I know- you guys. So any ideas on how we could execute this in a cool/fun/bizarre way are very welcome.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Wednesday, April 22, 2009