Friday, March 05, 2010
Wednesday, March 03, 2010
adub-- are these guys from your chigacocacarican improv group? i love the 3rd world, or is it 3rd ward? either way, do what the president does and hope.
FACTS: don't worry i am jaques clouseau.
culprit: tom. possible alias.
last observed: leaving city-transit after taking part in municipal assault of native negro americanoid.
possible/known aliases and-or call-sign: slicknamtom.
that's really all i can think of this fellow, as far as partially witty nicknames go. his beard is way cooler than mine.
he's likely a jarhead, or stinted san quentin (go where you want with those)--the recently shut down bay area joint.
mind you this all occurred in oakland.
i'd love to hear comments about tom's little episode at the end, about mama.
there will likely be a rematch for money, televised. and then orgies and cocaine for nam-tom.
tom-tom to endorse amid overnight stardom--in other news.
tangent to this nonsense: if you can pull off bitch-slapping someone today, and, i mean, they really gotta deserve it, try not to think twice. it is thursday after all. but seriously, it can't just be any arbitrary beating of the chest and monkey peacockery. and she better be able to take a smackin' to too.
toodles... kisses,
marcus aurelius
p.s. my life life is cooler than y'alls... neener neener neener. don't worry, bad karma will strike any moment now.
Monday, March 01, 2010
Nintendo Ice Hockey
Friday, February 26, 2010
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Thursday, February 18, 2010
I sent forwarded this out from my iphone to a handful of IC members last night, but I think it deserves blog. This just happened 2 days ago. Notice the 67 year old's shirt.
Here's the article regarding the fight:
Friday, February 12, 2010
they come back from their 6 day trip tomorrow night, and so far the house is still intact dogs and all. but, dont think i couldnt figure out a way to screw something up.
dfw was hammered for 20 hours yesterday with snow, and most tree branches have taken quite a pounding. a foreign exchange student(read immigrant day laborer) showed up earlier and offered to remove all fallen branches in exchange for pesos or tamales. i politely refused his services, thinking to myself i'll just move the branches.
this incoherent conversation-his english, my spanish- turned interesting when sam, the lab, decided to dart down the street. dead sprint. adios.
my twisted gray matter's first thought is "fuck, if this dog is dead, im gonna have to give mazur back that 100 bucks."
it's a dog, he'll find his way back, right?
yes, all's well. 45 minutes later, a neighborhood missing dog advocate, and collar reader, managed to corral the curious canine.
funny sidenote-- neighbor says sam immediately started humping his dogs.
mazurs are gone for 24 more hours, what could possibly go wrong?
Saturday, February 06, 2010
Friday, February 05, 2010
Monday, January 25, 2010
I'd like to think I have the dignity not to mock something for a physical defect, but I think I have reason here. Last weekend as I walked to my hotel room, a cleft lipped monkey crawled on an overhanging branch and hissed and sort of screamed at me, my roommate and the hotel guide. We all started running.
Five minutes later, he appeared again at the end of the following video.
Monday, January 18, 2010

B) I volunteered at the MLK museum (where he was murdered) in Memphis for about 6 months. It was pretty cool and made you pretty disappointed to be white. Truth. It was tough. His Dream speech is the most well known, but I always thought Mountaintop was the most powerful.
Food for thought:
"What has violence ever accomplished? What has it ever created? No martyr's cause has ever been stifled by an assassin's bullet. No wrongs have ever been righted by riots and civil disorders. A sniper is only a coward, not a hero, and an uncontrolled or uncontrollable mob is only the voice of madness - not the voice of the people."
- RFK, after MLK was slain
I don't necessarily agree with it, but thought it was Blog worthy.
Also, if you worked on MLK and got off work for President's Day, I think something's wrong with that. If you worked both, man, bummer. If you worked neither, your name is probably Kevin Raldymple.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
After arriving at the Dalrymples on Tuesday night- in a scene straight out of Perfect Strangers- Kevin Dalrymple and Brian Weiss were in the backyard with a metal detector trying to find Kevin's wedding ring. He lost said ring while tossing the football with Brian the night before. Brian, who has great experience at losing important things, found the ring minutes after we arrived.
In other news, Two members of the IC are moving out of Texas. Can you name them?