- Bear- Beating me in tennis, building something at his house he is being really mysterious about.
- Weiss- Getting his email hacked and sending me quasi aggressive text messages.
- Chambers- Has a baby and a stressful job. Wants to hang out but I have been a flake.
- Mazur- Left his good job for a better job. Good job is still paying him. Having a girl.
- Williams- In excellent relationship with native girl. Wrote a book. Still poor.
- Lubahn- Moved to Apple Valley, Minnesota. Jack is overjoyed about having a basement.
- Miller- Working hard at TCU. Watches a lot of internet videos. Has a sweet beard.
- Portillo- I will be seeing him this summer. Thank God b/c I have no idea what he's been up to.
- Brown- In Austin. I think.
I am doing well. Working a good amount. I like my big black dog. Piper and I ride bikes to bars and ride back drunk. That's pretty fun.
I look forward to seeing all of you again.