Monday, August 09, 2010

I think Williams has the "There's gotta be something wrong with that guy hat". Pretty sure he wore it to N. Mexico...

Saturday, August 07, 2010

I don't know about, but I'm just a regular everyday normal guy..

Friday, August 06, 2010

Like it or Not
In the next 12 months, almost everyone reading these words, will celebrate birthday number

What does that signify? The end of youth? The beginning of true adulthood? Will I wake on March 18, 2011 and feel instantenously older, less exuberant, a tad more crotchety and slightly less able-bodied?
I like to think not. But, as aging has happened, I've found myself adjusting my rules for defining "old". Twenty five was old when I was 21. Twenty nine was old was I was 25. Thirty four was old when I was 28. And this year, I've moved it up to 40. I'm going to try to hold it there.
Twenty nine has significantly altered my mindset. The 25 year old and 26 year old at work are simply too naive to understand most things, I salivate a little more than I used to for acquiring greenbacks, career urgency is amplified and going out to a bar (except when you all are around) almost repulses me.
I wonder what 30 will bring?
I think Butz and Lubahn are the first to go. Then Brown. Then Me. Then Faust. Then Portillo. Then Kevin. Then Mazur. (correct order?) Miller, Weiss and Chambers all escape for another year.
Cheers to the dwindling days of our third decade on Earth, amigos.

Tuesday, August 03, 2010


Sunday, August 01, 2010

Here is one Williams and I have been kicking around for awhile.... what kind of superhero would you be?I am going to take old Clint Brown.

Name: The Nesquik Kid
Good or Evil: Good
Powers: Shoots chocolate milk from his Hair, electromagnetic LA Looks ray-gun, Toxic green poop
Weakness: Anne Rice Novels, Fake Leather Jackets
Sidekick: Bevo
Arch Nemesis: Jack Lubahn 
If you want to take the 10 question super hero quiz click here.

I was Professor X.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Costa Rican Butz

Come Visit!

Faust works at Pottery Barn

Double Rainbow....all the way!

anyone ever get a certain word stuck in their head?


Friday, July 23, 2010

i confess.

Monday, July 19, 2010

OK, so obviously no one wants to follow up the most epic post in IC history, but I do like attention so I figure I will take a stab at it.  Here is my confession: I had this poster hanging up in my room.  I f' love Alanis Morisette.  I welcome criticism or support, and offer this question, "What questionable posters did you have as a kid?"

Thursday, July 15, 2010


This is a confession. I heard this song this morning and it reminded me of being 14 and staying up to watch VH1 hour upon hour for this video to play, I even had the cd. This morning, I almost downloaded it on iTunes.

I know you'll watch it all the way through, and if you're alone, you will turn up the speakers. Just click play, I dare you.

Monday, July 12, 2010

What's in a Name?

The other night, I got into a conversation about people's names. Here are some of the observations by the group of five.

* No one had ever met a guy named Conrad who wasn't chubby

* A Tiffany or several Tiffany-ies had wronged everyone sometime in life

* Girls named Dana aren't usually pretty (their name is actually just Dan with an A)

* Almost all Brad's are arrogant, even mildly so

* Goth Kids are never named Matt

On a personal level, I've also never met a guy named Austin that I liked very much and generally have never been a big fan of people named after cities.

I'd like to hear other people's name beef.

Here were some of George Carlin's.

Sorry for the shot Carlin takes at you, Brent.

Thursday, July 08, 2010

I highly recommend for everyone in the IC to watch the new 30 for 30 documentary "The Two Escobars". It is about the 1994 Columbian soccer team. It is a lot of subtitles (sorry Chambers), but within the first 5 minutes of watching you will be glued to your television for the full two hours. Even Katie loved it, and she is not a soccer fan what so ever. It makes you appreciate where we live, it makes you think just how strong the ties are between real life shit and sports (pay attention Williams), and it is a great history lesson on Columbia as a country and how fucked up shit really was over there. It's fucking awesome, you can download it from YouTube if you dont have a TV (Williams). They also replay all the time, so set your DVR.

After you watch this, I also recommend a lot of the other 30 for 30 series:

June 17, 1994 (OJ Simpson chase)

The 16th Man (this is another sports tie in with real world shit (pay attention Williams) - regarding S. Africa)

Reggie Miller vs. The New York Knicks

Small Potatoes - Who Killed the USFL

Without Bias

Fuck, they're all good. Even the hockey one on Wayne Gretzky. If you arent watching 30 for 30, then start now.

Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Monday, July 05, 2010

If you don't watch this in its entirety you'll turn into a meth-ed out Bob Costas.

Sunday, July 04, 2010