Monday, August 23, 2010

A video worth posting....he speaks the truth

Thursday, August 19, 2010

jewel can suck it.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

2011 Boundary Waters Canoe Trip
Clint and I recently met for the first time here in the great state of Minnesota and he threw out the idea of a Boundary Waters Canoe trip next summer. It would be an awesome trip, my brother and his buddies do it each year. Check out the Boundary Water site - and you will see that this is pretty sweet. The basics of the trip are what you want to bring you will need to carry on your back, you eat what you catch and just chill out. You can portage as much as you like or just create a home site and do smaller day trips. Breakfast over a fire, fishing/swimming during the day, drinks and extracurriculars during the campfire at night.....not bad Thoughts?

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

cognitive dissonance.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

get it popping.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

The new chica
Lubahn, you always (creepily) ask for pics of my girlfriends/dating companions.
Here you go.

She's the one just off the left testes.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

this deserves its own post....butzxxxs comment on the like it or not turning 30 post.

Butz said...
I have been 30 for two months, so I can speak to this topic using experience, though limited. First of all, who gives a fuck how old you are? Is 28 different from 30? Is 36 different from 30? It isnt, so who cares. My balls have a few more wrinkles, but the junk works the same as always. I do not put pressure on myself to get married, have kids, or conform to other social norms, so if those things hinge on an age in your psyche, I do not share the concern. If my family ever pressured me to do so, I would punch them in the collective taints. I may be getting off topic with the taint punching, but I guess what I am getting at is this: everyone on this blog has a life that is enviable by the majority of the rest of the world, so we should all be grateful regardless of our age. For those of us without kids, be grateful that you don't have a money leach attached to your every financial decision for at least the next 18 years. For those of us with kids, be grateful that you get to watch them grow into a hateful teenager and then an ungrateful young adult soon thereafter. Relish the thought of them coming home after their first date smelling like MD 20/20 and Virginia Slims stolen from grandma. Off topic again, back to the point. Your age is what you make it? You are as young as you feel? I think all the cliches apply. I am going to shotgun a beer and take a rip from a water bong now.

2:16 PM
i love nose rings. and check out the house in the back!

Monday, August 09, 2010

Top Ten Worst Sports Logos  (click to see all)

Every one has an opinion when it comes to logos and I thought this was a decent 5 minute time-waster.

One of my teams is on their- and with good reason. I disagree with a few of these.  I don't mind the Rays and I love the Blazers.  They even explain what the Blazers logo means.

Any other suggestions?
I think Williams has the "There's gotta be something wrong with that guy hat". Pretty sure he wore it to N. Mexico...

Saturday, August 07, 2010

I don't know about, but I'm just a regular everyday normal guy..

Friday, August 06, 2010

Like it or Not
In the next 12 months, almost everyone reading these words, will celebrate birthday number

What does that signify? The end of youth? The beginning of true adulthood? Will I wake on March 18, 2011 and feel instantenously older, less exuberant, a tad more crotchety and slightly less able-bodied?
I like to think not. But, as aging has happened, I've found myself adjusting my rules for defining "old". Twenty five was old when I was 21. Twenty nine was old was I was 25. Thirty four was old when I was 28. And this year, I've moved it up to 40. I'm going to try to hold it there.
Twenty nine has significantly altered my mindset. The 25 year old and 26 year old at work are simply too naive to understand most things, I salivate a little more than I used to for acquiring greenbacks, career urgency is amplified and going out to a bar (except when you all are around) almost repulses me.
I wonder what 30 will bring?
I think Butz and Lubahn are the first to go. Then Brown. Then Me. Then Faust. Then Portillo. Then Kevin. Then Mazur. (correct order?) Miller, Weiss and Chambers all escape for another year.
Cheers to the dwindling days of our third decade on Earth, amigos.

Tuesday, August 03, 2010


Sunday, August 01, 2010

Here is one Williams and I have been kicking around for awhile.... what kind of superhero would you be?I am going to take old Clint Brown.

Name: The Nesquik Kid
Good or Evil: Good
Powers: Shoots chocolate milk from his Hair, electromagnetic LA Looks ray-gun, Toxic green poop
Weakness: Anne Rice Novels, Fake Leather Jackets
Sidekick: Bevo
Arch Nemesis: Jack Lubahn 
If you want to take the 10 question super hero quiz click here.

I was Professor X.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Costa Rican Butz

Come Visit!

Faust works at Pottery Barn