Wednesday, November 03, 2010

On November 6, 2008 I posted the above picture hours before the big Thursday night match-up between the Frogs and the Utes. I referred to it as the biggest game for the Frogs in a long time because BCS Bowl stakes were on the table for the winner. Even though we outplayed Utah in every aspect of that game, we got sucker punched in the gut when Utah took their first lead of the game with 45 seconds left on the clock. Utah went on to destroy Alabama in the Sugar Bowl, finishing the season undefeated. We got the consolation prize of going to the Poinsetta Bowl and beating Boise State (which is the last game Boise lost btw).

Two years later and here we are again. November 6, 2010, but this time a National Championship birth could be on the line for either team. ESPN College GameDay is in town and locals are calling it the biggest football game ever to be played in the state of Utah. The Utes have announced that they will be doing a Black Out theme (again), however this time TCU is countering with a White Out theme of their own. It might sound silly but with a large amount of TCU alumni expected to make this trip, the White Out is definitely a great way to help Frog fans stand out in the sea of black.

Butz and I arrive in SLC with our women tomorrow. It's going to be nuts. 2:30 PM Saturday on CBS-S (which is being made available to everyone for this game only). We will be drunk. We will be on your television. This is going to be fucking crazy. I might already be drunk. I just pissed myself for the third time this week.

Fucking A....

Moving on...What should be the next contest?

Truth or Dare

Williams vs Butz

Obstacle Course
Faust vs Bear

Sledding Race
Brown vs Lubahn

Mazur vs Miller

Spelling Bee
Lubahn vs Portillo

Saturday, October 30, 2010

This is my first work of art. Buckle Up. Also maybe get high before viewing. It might enchance the experience.

I've already made a second. Bdub, would you be up for a best of 3/5/7 series? I would.

I'll post number two upon request.

- Adubble yo Pleasure, Dubble yo Guns

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Esquire Gets it Right Again
Berry, Biel, Johansson, Theron, Beckinsale, and now Minka Kelly.  They always make the right choice for sexiest woman alive. I would pick up a copy if you don't already have a subscription.  They also award the sexiest women from each country. 

Articles not featuring T&A include an Esquire-appointed committee to balance the budget, questions for the Tea Party, and "Why People Love the McRib."   

In my never-that-humble opinion, Esquire has no peers.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

i hate admitting it, but I think lebrons new ad is pretty good

Sunday, October 24, 2010

if we cant get the rap off up, can we vote for change? who's voting? im not.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Corporate Lingo - These are pretty funny, as a recruiter I see/hear a lot of this and most are very true.

We remain competitive by paying less than our competitors.

We have no time to train you.

We don't pay enough to expect that you'll dress up; well, a couple of the real daring guys wear earrings.

You'll be six months behind schedule on your first day.

Some time each night and some time each weekend.

Anyone in the office can boss you around.

We have no quality control.

Female Applicants must be childless (and remain that way).

If you're old, fat or ugly you'll be told the position has been filled.

We've filled the job; our call for resumes is just a legal formality.

You'll need it to replace three people who just left.

You're walking into a company in perpetual chaos.

You'll have the responsibilities of a manager, without the pay or respect.

Management communicates, you listen, figure out what they want and do it.

Monday, October 11, 2010

This made me cry.

Brett, stop texting pics of your junk.

However, this girl is obscenely hot. But she didn't want to see your junk. She called you a "creepy douche." Man, I wish Brett would have just retired a Packer.

PS: This is Jenn Sterger's second time on the blog. Do you remember her first appearance? (without googling it?)

This guy killed it in the TCU Money Management Program

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Saturday, October 09, 2010

Friday, October 08, 2010

Astoundingly Terrible Texas Rangers Song

It's Time

(Listen for genius Bernie Madoff reference)

Sinead O'Connor - Nothing Compares 2 U
Uploaded by MovieFanQS. - Music videos, artist interviews, concerts and more.

Thursday, October 07, 2010

These Rangers Look Fo' Real

can this guy join our wolfpack?... that it may grow by one.

Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Adam Faust = Macaulay Culkin

After accosting his brother for eating all his cheese pizza, Macaulay (Kevin McAllister) snapped at his mom and dad, stormed to the attic bedroom and ended up missing the trip to France.

Reread the above sentence, replace brother with sister and eating cheese pizza with smoking last cigarette.


Culkin is Faust.

Mac C. was also arrested for possession of weed in 2004 and is the gayest non-gay in movies. He is so not gay, he is dating Mila Kunis, whose name is equally as eccentric as Piper Huddleston's.

Matthew Chambers = William Zabka

The famed leader of the Kobra Kai, Zabka was once a bright light on the scene. Then, just as it seemed his career would take off, poof, he was gone.

Put him in a Body Bag.

(Also appeared in Hot Tub Time Machine, Chambers favorite movie)

Lee Portillo = Harry Henderson

The following plotline is the story of Harry Henderson with splices of Lee Portillo's life:

On their way home to Seattle from a camping trip, the Hendersons accidentally run over a strange and unknown creature *wearing white tennis shoes and a birdshit shirt. Unsure what else to do, they strap it to the roof of their car and take it home. Once there, the revived creature goes wild, *borrowing all of their clothing, eating bathroom soap and putting his boogers underneath the couch. Eventually, the family realizes that the creature is the legendary fuzzy albino Mexican, and is actually very gentle, *though lacks common tact and manners.

Kevin Dalrymple = Bill Fagerbakke

Who else could be Craig T. Nelson's assistant besides Bear?
Fagerbakke (Is that pronounced "Fag-er-back"?) was Dobber, or as the picture reads "Dobbs". He is 6'6'', he played college football at Idaho, got hurt, and took up theatre at SMU.

Dobbs also loves to jumprope and has biked across a glacier. Kevin loves to jumprope but hasn't biked a glacier; yet.

While I couldn't find a good nickname for him (though Dobber is awesome), he is currently the voice for an animated transformer named Bulkhead and Patrick Star on SpongeBob Squarepants.

Bear, meet Bear.

Brian Weiss = Joey Lawrence
Known for his outlandish behavior, catchphrases and boyish good looks, Lawrence says "Woahhh" like Weiss says "Mean, Mean Cry!".

Both have a passion for dance, women and song. Lawrence can ryhme, Weiss can flow, these two go together like "Whoa, Whoa!!"

Lawrence got his break in a Cracker Jack commercial and then sang "Give My Regards to Broadway" on Johnny Carson. I can see Weiss doing both of those, in a tux on roller skates, and one-upping the legend that is Joe Joe Lawrence. I also bet Lawrence couldn't beat Big Taco in a Battle Rap after Faust's wedding.

Adam Williams = Sinbad

Fat, not that funny and both think they are a lot blacker than they really are.
Both have struggled with paying taxes and, though Sinbad beat Williams to the punch, both have considered filing Chapter 7 Bankruptcy in the past year.
Bad dancer. Went bald.
What more proof do you need?