Monday, December 20, 2010

The Big Game

I would love to get our IC Beat Writer, A.D. Williams, to give us his spin on the Fantasy Finals.  I know you don't follow football like you once did, but I figure you'll still have something to say about it.

IC Year in Review

Looking back on the year that was, I'm trying to compile a list of things that transpired here and amongst the members of IC. Mazur had a daughter. Brown got an MBA and a new winter wardrobe. Lubahn up and left Crowley, though will be forever remembered for his fence eating dog and misspelled family mailbox. Faust got a promotion and longer hair. Bear went to Omaha and came back with great stories. Williams went to Nicaragua and came back with an amoeba. Miller closed in on a degree and jumped off a CR waterfall. Weiss honed in on a professorship and (I think) got himself a novia. Lee Portillo returned to blog (sort of), made some ludicrous claims to running a 48-second 400 meters, and continued to distort water membranes. Matt Chambers continued to drive the biggest truck in Texas, ate only apples for several days, and taught his son how to flip people off.

Did I forget anyone?

Oh yes, that's right. The unprecedented Man of the Year (in my vote), and Event of the Year, was the the return of Nick Butz. The blog was sputtering a little and, like a snark-charged defibrillator high on Mountain Dew and Caribbean travel, Nick Butz reincarnated the IC for a banner year 2010, eclipsing former post totals by the dozens.

Honorable mention for event of the Year goes to Bear's Jewel Post, which resulted in comments that surpassed the century mark.

Any other additions? Chime in...

Friday, December 17, 2010

This song makes my teets hard

Thursday, December 16, 2010


Tuesday, December 14, 2010

"Damn You Auto Correct"

Thought we could use a new post.

Wednesday, December 08, 2010

From our friends at the Onion:

Report: TCU Can Only Enter Big East If They Bring Girls

FORT WORTH, TX—Texas Christian University has been invited to join the Big East athletic conference, an opportunity that would grant them higher visibility and prestige, as long as they "bring some of those hot Texas girls along," Commissioner John Marinatto said Monday. "We are happy to welcome the Horned Frogs to the Big East, as they represent a fine sporting tradition, and also we could really use some new girls around here," Marinatto told the assembled reporters at a press conference. "Boston College had those cute little Catholic girls, but they left when the Eagles went to the ACC, and we could really use some nice Texas-cowgirl trim. Frankly, West Virginia doesn't give it up as much as you'd think, even though they'll do just about anything once you get them liquored up." TCU athletic director Chris Del Conte said he was happy to hook the Big East up, explaining that the conference's automatic BCS bowl bid was more than compensation for Syracuse girls being "totally flat."

Monday, December 06, 2010

Happy Monday for all you Nic Cage fans out there...

Sunday, December 05, 2010

Thursday, December 02, 2010

New Years Texas?
Anybody going to be around for NYE 2011 in Fort Worth?
Get there. I made reservations at the Oui for 10:41pm.

Wednesday, December 01, 2010

i had a thought. if i should have the fortune to seed a male i will name him jack parkman miller.

not really, just saw a clip from major league deux... parkman shimmy.

how's aids' awareness time treating everyone?

Monday, November 29, 2010

For Mazur and his timeless cartoon sketches:

Mike Ditka said Johnson should be "applauded" for beating down a "cheap shot" artist on Mike and Mike show Monday morning. "Where does it say if a snake bites you, you can't step on a snake?" asked Ditka.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Peep this:

EMBED-Guy At Race Really Excited About Crashes - Watch more free videos
how 'bout europe for nye?

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

This video came on while I was at a club in Scottsdale for a bachelor party a couple of weeks ago. It made me want to get extreme. The cameo is a nice bonus as well.

NOTE: This club had a half firetruck inside where the DJ played the music. Just FYI.

The follow up was this video.

I thought I was losing my fucking mind.

After this, a man with no upper teeth in the top right quadrant of his mouth asked me to pick out someone for him to fight for me. The conversation went like this (while in line for the urinal):

Toothless Man: Holy shit, how tall are you?
Me: (silence; attempting to ignore; already concerned about the direction of the conversation)
Toothless Man: Seriously, dude?!?!? How tall?
Me: 6'5 (attempting to lighten the mood with humor; he does not respond)
Toothless Man: (now yelling across a man peeing in the middle of us at the urinal wall) I am serious. Go fucking pick a guy out and I will kick his ass for you.
Me: Why?
Toothless Man: Do it! (angry at me for some reason, but wanting to fight for me)
Me: (confused) I am not going to do that.
Toothless Man: How big is your dick?
Me: (shake dick in his direction and leave bathroom)

NOTE: The last part was made up because there was not a good ending to the story.

Monday, November 22, 2010

An Easy Monday Read

I found this to be an interesting interview with Christian Bale. The best way to describe this cat and mouse interview: Imagine if Marc Miller became a famous actor and he was interviewed by Adam Williams.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Zooey + Natalie = The Perfect Movie

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Alamo Heights newest rap duet. I had these guys in one of my classes last week. The 09' is straight gangster son(s). What what? Williams, I showed them your freestyle and they thought you were hot fire.