Monday, April 16, 2012

New Contest Entrant

Though this pic is of only one IC member, I think it shows what true friends do to one another when they snooze publicly.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

The IC "Best Picture" Contest

Can you beat this?

Sunday, April 08, 2012

yay blog. wahoo. life. sweet tits. from family guy to silver screen. keep it ril. -teddy ruxpin

Wednesday, April 04, 2012

Saturday, March 31, 2012


Thursday, March 29, 2012


Is this guy delusional? Im just happy I don't have to listen to him on ESPN anymore...


And yes, I floss every night.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

The Post that Never Was

Disembodied when the One Ring was cut from his hand at the Battle of the Last Alliance in the Second Age, the Dark Lord Sauron became a shadowy echo of his former self. Formless and terrifying
I think Mazur will be happy with this selection.

Ancient beyond reckoning, Treebeard is wise and slow to act.
He's a tree.  We made Williams a tree.

 Gimli is a mighty warrior, quick to draw his broad axes in battle. Not given to subtlety, he wears his passions plainly for all to see. Yet for all his impulsiveness, Gimli is loyal and noble in spirit.
Sounds a little self-centered, right?  He's still a fucking dwarf.
A Prince of the Elven Kingdom of Mirkwood, Legolas joined the Fellowship of the Ring as a representative of his people. Legolas possesses the keen eyesight and sharp ears characteristic of his race 
Chambers does not deserves this cool a character.

A descendant of the lost line of the ancient kings of Men, Aragorn is fated to one day claim the empty throne of Gondor. Aragorn is a mighty warrior, wielding his blade with great adeptnes.
He is a good guy, deal with it Marc

Gandalf is the leader of the Fellowship of the Ring and the army of the West.
He's also crazy tall.

During his centuries under the Ring's influence, Gollum came to love and hate the Ring, just as he loved and hated himself. Throughout the story, Gollum is seen communing with his ego, torn between his lust for the Ring and his desire to be free of it.

Frodo’s uncle, who possesses the ring at the beginning of the trilogy. Bilbo is a playful old hobbit, but he is restless and covetous of his ring. His unsettled feelings suggest how great a burden it is to carry the ring and foreshadow the great travails that await Frodo.

One of the most significant events in Tolkien's stories was the meeting of Bilbo and Gollum.

The heir to the steward of Gondor. More than any other member of the fellowship of the ring, Boromir is the victim of desire for the ring. He attacks Frodo to try to take it from him. Later, Boromir attempts to make up for this slip by fighting the oncoming army of Uruk-hai. He is killed in battle, but his bravery allows the other members of the fellowship to survive.

Frodo’s best friend and constant companion. If Frodo’s burden is to carry the ring, Sam’s is to carry Frodo, which he literally does as the two finally struggle up Mount Doom. Sam is Frodo’s loyal friend, as committed as Frodo is to returning the ring and keeping the Shire safe. Considering his proximity to the ring, Sam is remarkably immune to its call. Sam himself carries the ring for a short time, and, if necessary, could probably have completed the mission on his own. When the four hobbits return to the Shire at the end, Sam emerges from Frodo’s shadow. He approaches the woman he’s been dreaming about, and soon they are married. Within little time he is a father of two, with a nice house and garden.

The ring-bearer and protagonist of the trilogy. A young hobbit, Frodo is chosen by the wizard Gandalf to return the ring to Mordor. The ring offers terrible temptation to anyone who comes near it, and though Frodo on occasion succumbs to its power, he generally shows remarkable strength before its siren call. However, when it comes time to drop the ring into Mount Doom, he is unable to simply let the ring go. In this way, he resembles his uncle Bilbo, a former owner of the ring who is forever restless. The ring has a great effect on Frodo, changing him from an ordinary hobbit of exceptional qualities into someone extraordinary. 

Lubahn and I worked on this post years ago. We never finished it b/c Lubahn questioned my photoshop skills/effort and so I quit.  This is 1 of the 11 limited editions poster I will be releasing.

more blissy.


Saturday, March 24, 2012

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

lubahn on the way home from work one day...

your highness

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

kate upton is stunning. obvious. there's so much going on in this photo. i had to post it. a gorgeous woman is heavenly. and if she's mute minus screams in the throes all the better :)

movie quote of the day:

my mom was right, nice guys do eat pussy the best.

Monday, March 19, 2012

i found and lost love and some lessons were learned,
and in losing that love a wretched solace does turn.

i'd known it would happen, that i'd tear it apart,
it was told early on i'd have to break my own heart.

as fate crossed our paths, whirled desires and wrath,
an inevitable math foretold a love would not last.

too many times did i howl and seek drink, scorn weak as a fink.
too many times did i sink, let leak my wretched freak,
to your willing caress, my witless tongue's cursed test,
you gave me your best but still i'd protest.

all that was right mattered not in my eyes as apishly
i trampled your poor heart down to size,
a size small as mine.

try as i might i often lost sight of how lucky i was
to just be by your side.

i'd let minds' disconnection preclude disaffection,
make angry my head, for surely we'd attach, what never was dead.

i wish i'd the intuition to listen and glisten,
instead i was selfish and densely did thicken.

i pushed you away when it'd been better to pray.
i preyed on your purity and left you in disarray.

and so now these limp words, none read nor heard
revealing no lessons learned, just memories and yearns,
are the solace i take, as i reflect on mistakes,
as my soul aches in this way...

im gonna go vomit now. feel free to ban me from posting.

is this happening where you are?