The Voting is In, Miller takes #1 spot, Lubahn close 2nd....
LAKE LBJ - After a long week of accumulating votes and 2 miscounts, Marc Miller was voted MVP of the 2009 July lake house trip. Just 1 vote shy of Miller was the defending MVP champ Brent Lubahn. Scott Benson finished third in the voting and some say that his foot injury on Saturday afternoon might have cost him the 1st place prize. Points were calculated based on arrival time, tube wars, # of beer bongs, time spent on Fun Island, last one to bed, and overall drunkenness. Both Benson and Miller received a huge boost in point by arriving three hours before even the host, Kevin Dalrymple, showed up. They also each earned bonus points by staying until a whopping 5:00 PM on Sunday afternoon. When asked about Miller's performance, Dalrymple was quoted "Well, besides briefly pissing off my wife, Marc had a tremendous performance. He was high in every single category, and blew everyone away in overall drunkenness (which is the only category that has no ceiling)." Miller was said to be drinking straight vodka on ice all weekend, but because he is who he is, no one would ever he know it. Not only that, but the man drank wine during Saturday night’s drinking game.
Lubahn stormed into the lake house around 4:30 PM on Friday, which was very impressive. He immediately made himself a drink and demanded a booze cruise. The moment he arrived back from the cruise, he was on the Fun Island in a matter of seconds. "Lubahn always shows up to plays," said Dalrymple, "He never shies away from anything, and that’s why he is always in the running." Brent Lubahn never disappoints, and 2009 was no exception.
Scott Benson was the drunkest human being from time he arrived all the way up to when he fainted on my driveway in a pool of blood. After slicing his foot open on what turned out to be an old metal flower bed, Benson’s lake house trip was all but over. He was well on his way to winning the overall drunkenness category and that might have very well put him ahead of both Lubahn and Miller. "He was giving a lot of high fives" said Kevin, "A LOT of high fives.” Not sure if the high fives were helping or not in his race, but Benson was out of commission after he returned home with 12 stitches in the bottom of his foot
Best of the rest. Everyone received a high grades and no one disappointed. Chambers actually won the tube wars votes by somehow never getting tired. Piel and Weiss both scored huge bonus points by being there when Kevin needed someone to take Scott to the hospital. Faust even went into the negative side of the votes on Friday night by yelling,... wait no,.. screaming at the host after he called called Adam a fag, and managed to pull himself back to receive a respectably score. "We were both a little drunk" said Adam. Mazur was right up there with Weiss in the ‘last one to go to bed’ category, and was drunker than 10 Indians late Saturday night when he passed out on the dock. "I think everyone performed well, if you do not see your name on the top 3 this year, then you just need to try a little harder next year. What matters most, is I just hope everyone had a good time."