Monday, December 29, 2008

Ran into a couple of these during a biking/snorkling adventure this weekend.

The Quokka (Setonix brachyurus), the only member of the genus Setonix, is a small macropod about the size of a large domestic cat.[2] Like other marsupials in the macropod family (such as the kangaroos and wallabies), the Quokka is herbivorous and mainly nocturnal.

The Quokka has no fear of humans and it is common for it to approach them closely, particularly on Rottnest Island.

Monday, December 22, 2008

I just hope he gets on the IC to see it....

Friday, December 19, 2008

Here's to you B-Dub,
Happy Birthday!

Tonight we'll head to the Purple Moon son, Ginger will be there shakin' a tush. Ya see?! Yaaaaa!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Slingin' Sammy Baugh - TCU Legend

For those of you who do not know, Sammy Baugh is credited as the first Quarterback to use the forward passing game as a common threat in football. He was an incredible player during his time, he once had a game where he threw 4 TDs, punted the ball 85 yards, and intercepted 4 passes - this guy did it all. TCU would have never had those National Championships had it not been for Sammy Baugh.

In 1999, he was named the third-greatest NFL player of the 20th century by the Associated Press and the third-greatest college football player by College Football News.

"His legacy is still talked about around town," said LaDainian Tomlinson, an All-American at TCU in 2000 and the 2006 NFL MVP. "He was a football player. I think he'll probably be remembered as the greatest football player here at TCU."

"The TCU family lost one of its own today," Frogs coach Gary Patterson said. "Sam Baugh was TCU."

"He's the greatest quarterback who ever lived and the greatest punter. Other than that, he wasn't any good," said author Dan Jenkins, TCU's sports historian

Legend has it that during Baugh’s first practice with the Redskins, coach Ray Flannery, a gruff old-timer, tossed a football to Baugh.
“They tell me you’re quite a passer,’’ said Flaherty.
“I reckon I can throw a little,” said Baugh.
“Let’s see it,” said Flaherty. “Hit that receiver in the eye.”
Baugh looked downfield at receiver Wayne Millner and calmly said: “Which eye?”


Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Merry XMas Friends!

The only thing gayer, would be if we could get them to dance.... NICE

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Last minute chistmas gift that several of us might want to look into!

FYI - I will be sending an email in the coming days as I am finaling a group rate for snowboards and boots from a place in Sante Fe.

Also no one seems to rent gloves of any type due to sweaty hands being pretty disgusting, so be prepared to have your own or buy a cheap pair once we get there.

Monday, December 01, 2008

Hi friends. It's Monday it's 1:50 pm and I am in boxers. I am not sick, but at 7:12am this morning, I saw four inches of snow on the ground and decided to prolong my Thanksgiving vacation for another day. I called in and left a grumbly message for my boss, trying to sound as pathetic as possible. I almost did the fake cough message but refrained.

It's odd that, despite having something like 16 sick days accrued, there is some sense of guilt when you take one. That's r-tarded. Why do I have 16 days of `sick time' that sit there and go unused? I will inevitably leave this job in less than 2.5 years (like I like to do baby!) and lament all the days I could have sat around doing this in my boxers. Fuck that. Enjoy that shiat. Don't give me something about `work ethic' because ya know what, if you're gonna give me days to kick it in my undies and write stupid shit to my friends, I AM GONNA DO DAT LIL CUZ-CUZ-CUZIN!

But, I was thinking about you peeps and wondering...what would my friends do their sick days...

Excuse: Allergies flared up from weekend flower picking
On his day off, Kevin wakes early. He and Ginger do Pilates. Then he cooks Katie smoked Salmon and capers on rye. When Katie leaves, Kevin goes into game mode, paints his face in Bears blue and orange and logs onto to Fantasy to talk Smack!. He turns on ESPN News and let's that shit blare. Just highlights bitch. All day. Then, he pulls up a picture of Ditka, pulls out the tackle dummy he keeps underneath the bed and does drills, I mean drills, until he pukes. Then he gets online and buys thoughtful gifts for all 47 of his best friends. He orders himself an Urlacher Fat Head.

Excuse: Lamaze class
Matthew wakes up 14 hours before we do and grabs his dry-erase marker. He scratches off `Deftones' from his list of possible son names, and adds `Brass Monkey Chambers'. He then gets on his computer and goes to to read. He reads, cn, but before he has read the final `n' in cnn, he falls asleep in his computer. He wakes up and scratches of `Brass Monkey Chambers' and writes `RadCat' Chambers. He likes the name, so he C-walks in his room. He does this for 3 hours. Then he writes himself a check for $122 and Awesome cents. He goes to check it and Bank of Australia. He then goes home, pulls out his cabbage patch doll named Gnarly and practices changing his diapers and trying on cool kiddie hemp necklaces.

Excuse: Gino grounded me
Gino found a sack of Brian's marijuana, barked at him and rubbed Brian's nose in it. Then he made him sleep outside. Brian clawed at the door all night but, when Gino finally lets him in, Gino is in a button up and slacks. He tells Brian to stay inside today and that he will go to work for him. Brian tries to argue, but Gino has a phone call and can't talk. Gino drives the Audi to work. Brian sits around the house, watches youtube, c-walks and watches Grandma's Boy on loop. Unfortunately, when Gino comes home, Brian learns Gino has taken his job. Gino gives Brian a business card and tells him to come in the next day to discuss an opportunity to be his assistant. Brian presses his clothing to prepare for his big interview the next day.

Excuse: Accidentally built deck over his bed
Michael woke up and was stunned to find that he was sleeping on a deck, which he built over his bed. Then, he went into the kitchen, where he'd also built a deck and saw a short Ukrainian kid in his kitchen. The Ukrainian reminded Michael that he was renting the kitchen. Then Michael opened his fridge and found a Zambian girl. She was renting the fridge. Michael was in disarray. He decided to walk to Showdown to clear his thoughts. Unfortunately, as Michael walked to Showdown, his Dad pulled up behind him and nudged him with the truck. His Dad asked Michael if he was taking a `Sock Day'. He couldn't pronounce the word `Sick' correctly. He'd never said that word. Michael nodded and his Dad made him get in the truck. Michael's Dad turned and stared at Michael. He hit the gas, and, without looking at the road, drove Michael to work. When they arrived, Michael's Dad pushed him onto the street without slowing. It was 6:31am. Though Michael was late, he was happy he got to sleep in.

Excuse: My dog ate my car
Lubahn woke, put Jack in a Structure shirt, cargo shorts and Crocs. They walked out the door, only to find that Bailey had eaten the steering wheel and transmission during the night. Lubahn called her a whore. Then Jack said whore. Lubahn grabbed the Pathfinder and took Jack to work, though he had to wear two pairs of sunglasses because he was unaccustomed to driving without tinted windows. Lubahn dropped Jack off (Jack off, hu-huh) and came home to find Bailey had eaten a toilet. Lubahn was mad. He decided to make a lot of toast to ease his nerves. Then, because he had so much toast, he decided to get real high to eat all that toast. He got real high in the garage and started bumping the TI album. He liked the album so much, he tried to email TI but misspelled it and emailed his IT department. Fortunately, they couldn't decode Lubahn speek, and disregarded the email as spam. Then Lubahn came inside and found that Bailey ate the toaster. Frustrated, Lubahn added players to his Fantasy `Watch List' until Melissa came home. When she did, he pretended to be on the phone. In Lubahn phone voice he said `Great. Great. Sounds good.' Then Atila peed on Lubahn's foot.

Excuse: Bitten by Pink Dolphin
Clint woke wearing only his burnt orange boxers. He'd overslept and was running late for his 4:15am meeting. He hurriedly went to his computer and called his boss on Skype. It was the only method of communication he knew efficient. His boss answered and Clint told him his Amazon fever had returned. Clint's boss said that, in lieu of the UT-OU BCS debacle, the entire city of Austin was shut down, and to fret not. Pleased, Clint did 150 crunches while checking Nasdaq. He saw that Jon Chisenhall's Yoga company had gone public. Clint bought a majority share in the company and Skyped the Pterodactyl he met in the Andes. The Pterodactyl, Bevo, came to pick up Clint. Clint packed only Kurt's rent check, an updated copy of his resume and an ab-roller. He voyaged on Bevo to S. America, traversing the Amazon and visiting his pink dolphin friends of the past. There was much rejoicing. An Amazon guide, Quatehemoc Smith, told Clint of an opening for an Amazon guide. Clint gave him a resume, however, because Clint was yet to receive an MBA, he was underqualified. Then Bevo took Clint home. They shared a glass of chocolate milk.

Excuse: Couldn't find bracelet to match Capri pants
Faust had a tough night sleeping; he woke up every 44 minutes to finish a poem called `The DC Piper' and, after four burritos and 3 smokes, found himself out of Tums. Not good. Faust called his boss and when his boss told him `Hope you feel better,' Faust yelled `Oh do you? Do you really?!' Then Faust threw his Iphone at his mannequin. It hit her and she fell. Faust then went and lay with her on the floor. As he lay with her, he thought of a poem. He called it `Real tears for plastic person'. He wrote it on his iPhone. He authored it iFaust. Feeling better, he made crepes and emailed Andy Warhol. Warhol's email kicked back and Faust cried. Then he rotated his basketball team. He called Piper to ask if they could give Tums to the wedding guests. She said no. He asked if they could play a Fiona Apple song at the reception. She said yes. Adam was happy. He celebrated by buying Converse capri pants. He bought them with his iPhone.

Excuse: Please, mother fucker. Please.
The last time Sergeant Miller made an excuse, John McCain was in daycare.
Sgt. Miller heard a guy say `I'm sleepy today'. That guy doesn't have eyelids anymore.
One time a guy said `Sorry I'm late' to Sgt. Miller. That man no longer has a penis.
A man once said he lost a game of Solitaire because he didn't get the right cards. That man has an Ace of Spades lodged in his thorax. No one knows who did it. Ha.
Miller's mantra: `Excuses are like genital warts, everybody's got 'em. Ha.'

Excuse: Xzibit is Pimping my Ride
Eleah called MTV when Lee was rotating his fantasy team and left a voice mail for Xzibit. She described the Acura, which lacks air conditioning, door paneling, a windshield and is covered in stray boogers and eyebrow hair. She also told Xzibit that despite her urges, Lee would not part with his vintage automobile. When Lee woke in the morning for work, he found Xzibit outside standing by his car. At first, Lee did his `Awwww Shiitt!' and gave X the handshake/one arm hug. But then Xzibit showed Lee an example of his idea for the Acura; it was to be transformed into a gold, fast and the furious, East LA vatos locos ride with no dried boogers and excess coolant. Portillo wasn't having it. He told Xzibit to `go back to Compton' and, remembering a poster he had of Bruce Lee, put his chops up to Xzibit's grill. Then, before a rumble, Portillo thought of his idea for an apron with `Back off my grill' written on it. His idea featured guys with grills, such as Project Pat (3-6 Mafia), Edgerrin James and Chad `Ocho-Cinco' Johnson. Xzibit straight tripped out! Together, the two unlikely pair devised a new line of Afro-centric aprons, and, to the delight of Portillo, the Acura rides on, unaltered and booger friendly.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

White Elephant Party/New Years

I really think Williams was on to something here, so let's talk dates and see who's around when. I'm in FW and open for anything.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Monday, November 24, 2008

wanted to stir up some conversation, even if it's lame. how's the economy affecting your lives, your loved ones lives, your cohorts, etc ?

when i sign into the blogger i do it right to left, like an arab.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Paper Trail

Stop trying to uncover the next best Indie group just to be cool and give this a shot.

Ok, I know we all have different musical tastes, but personally this is one of the best CD's I've bought in a long time....really only 2 songs that I don't like.

Monday, November 17, 2008

My old boss... no surprise really.

Read The Rest of the article

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

As the oldest and wisest member, I think it is time we pay homage to our elder.

I would like to begin a new tradition on the IC, we should celebrate each person's birthday with a post and our favorite story including said individual.

Lubahn should make for a very easy start.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Friday, November 07, 2008

The New Year is upon us....... Cowtown

Alright, just thought I would get the conversation started. Fort Worth, TX? It's safe, it's easy, it's charming, Lubahn could probably come out for one night.....

If the idea of celebrating NYE together is spending it all together, then I think we have the best chance in Cowtown. And as an extra sad but fun bonus... TCU might end up in the Ft. Worth bowl which is played on 12/31.

Please discuss.

go frogs.....

Thursday, November 06, 2008

Gentleman tonight could be the night the Frogs finally get over the hump. TCU is playing one of the biggest games in a very long time, bigger than any game in 2000 with LT, bigger than the 2003 Southern Miss game, bigger than any Oklahoma game, or Texas game, or Tech game. This game has HUGE implications on what bowl our beloved Horned Frogs will attend come early January. If we win, then we will have a valid case to jump Boise State in the standings and become eligible for a BCS Bowl for the first time in history. Most of what I have read is predicting TCU to jump Boise even if Boise wins out because of our strength of schedule of more qualified wins (BYU and hopefully Utah). It's NOT going to be easy though! Utah has a solid team with a lot of athletes. We have been blowing out opponents with our speed; however Utah might be able to match that speed tonight. They have sold out their stadium and are having a “black-out” - all students and players will be wearing black. But I will say, this is the BEST TCU TEAM I HAVE EVER WATCHED. Best defense in the nation, hands down and now our offense is starting to get in rhythm with Andy Dalton maturing into a true quality QB. Our defensive end, Jerry Hughes, is unfreaking believable and has even become a dark horse Heisman Trophy candidate.

Go watch and support the Frogs tonight. Faust and I will be supporting them together here in H-Town. They are a great team and a lot of fun to watch.

Go Frogs!

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

It is a historic day. The first Presidential Election in our fine blog's history. It has been a little ugly at times. A lot of liberals think Obama is the seond coming. A lot of conservatives think he's a terrorist or at least the anti-Christ. These folks probably aren't real keen on a less than fundamental McCain either. I like both of these men. I think either will do a fine job running the country. I made a decision on one of them. But, I think that is a private choice. When did it become ok to ask people who they voted for? And why do people think they have the right to judge you based on your vote? I do not understand that.

Everyone says you need to vote. But do you? Or a better question is should you? I read an article that 3 out of 5 voters are not educated on the issues (I thought it would be higher) And these 3 out of 5 usually decide the election. They vote on reasons like, "Obama looks smug" or "McCain looks too old." So, if you don't know jack, should you vote?

Friday, October 24, 2008

TCU Homecoming 2020....where are you gameday?

On the eve of TCU's homecoming I thought it would be nice to take a quick look into the future to see where we'll be . Good Luck!

Mazur & Bear: Still strong after 10 years

Lubahn: Still VERY fertile

Williams: Still...Williams

Clint: Still taking shit from his friends

Faust: Put on a few, but still sporty