Good News in SA
From today's NYTimes: (I am transcribing this as well...I don't like links, but we can't paste text?? Poop on thee, Blogger)
In early December, Julián Castro, the newly elected mayor of San Antonio, visited the White House to attend President Obama's national jobs-and-economic-growth forum. Castro was one of only five mayors in attendance and, at age 35, the youngest. When his turn came to speak - the subject was the creation of green jobs - the president looked at him, midway down the long conference table, and said: "I though he was on our staff. I thought he was an intern. This guys's a mayor?" The other participants - world-famous economists, environmentalists and politicians - burst into laughter."Of San Antonio, Texas," Castro said evenly.
Obama grinned. "I'm messing with you," he said. "I know who you are."
(The rest of the article goes on the french kiss your new mayor's culo. It's a little too complimentary if you ask me, but, seems like SA's got a pretty solid hombre in the mayor's office)
Yeah for Politics!