After accosting his brother for eating all his cheese pizza, Macaulay (Kevin McAllister) snapped at his mom and dad, stormed to the attic bedroom and ended up missing the trip to France.
Reread the above sentence, replace brother with sister and eating cheese pizza with smoking last cigarette.
Culkin is Faust.
Mac C. was also arrested for possession of weed in 2004 and is the gayest non-gay in movies. He is so not gay, he is dating Mila Kunis, whose name is equally as eccentric as Piper Huddleston's.
Matthew Chambers = William Zabka
The famed leader of the Kobra Kai, Zabka was once a bright light on the scene. Then, just as it seemed his career would take off, poof, he was gone.
Put him in a Body Bag.
(Also appeared in Hot Tub Time Machine, Chambers favorite movie)
Lee Portillo = Harry Henderson
The following plotline is the story of Harry Henderson with splices of Lee Portillo's life:
On their way home to Seattle from a camping trip, the Hendersons accidentally run over a strange and unknown creature *wearing white tennis shoes and a birdshit shirt. Unsure what else to do, they strap it to the roof of their car and take it home. Once there, the revived creature goes wild, *borrowing all of their clothing, eating bathroom soap and putting his boogers underneath the couch. Eventually, the family realizes that the creature is the legendary fuzzy albino Mexican, and is actually very gentle, *though lacks common tact and manners.
Kevin Dalrymple = Bill Fagerbakke
Who else could be Craig T. Nelson's assistant besides Bear?
Fagerbakke (Is that pronounced "Fag-er-back"?) was Dobber, or as the picture reads "Dobbs". He is 6'6'', he played college football at Idaho, got hurt, and took up theatre at SMU.
Dobbs also loves to jumprope and has biked across a glacier. Kevin loves to jumprope but hasn't biked a glacier; yet.
While I couldn't find a good nickname for him (though Dobber is awesome), he is currently the voice for an animated transformer named Bulkhead and Patrick Star on SpongeBob Squarepants.
Bear, meet Bear.
Brian Weiss = Joey Lawrence
Known for his outlandish behavior, catchphrases and boyish good looks, Lawrence says "Woahhh" like Weiss says "Mean, Mean Cry!".
Both have a passion for dance, women and song. Lawrence can ryhme, Weiss can flow, these two go together like "Whoa, Whoa!!"
Lawrence got his break in a Cracker Jack commercial and then sang "Give My Regards to Broadway" on Johnny Carson. I can see Weiss doing both of those, in a tux on roller skates, and one-upping the legend that is Joe Joe Lawrence. I also bet Lawrence couldn't beat Big Taco in a Battle Rap after Faust's wedding.
Adam Williams = Sinbad

Fat, not that funny and both think they are a lot blacker than they really are.
Both have struggled with paying taxes and, though Sinbad beat Williams to the punch, both have considered filing Chapter 7 Bankruptcy in the past year.
Bad dancer. Went bald.
What more proof do you need?