Wednesday, May 07, 2014

so much for glasnost

Tuesday, May 06, 2014

Interesting article for all you futball fans On a related note, I would like to know what Williams is doing with his plethora of World Cup tickets. Looking for an update.

This Is How We Do It!

Monday, April 28, 2014

Saturday, April 26, 2014


Jim Koch knows beer. He also knows a beer trick that may change your life.

Anybody try this?  I found it intriguing.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

faust referred to himself as don draper once, in some far away land..

Monday, April 14, 2014

Week 1 Results: Bear and Brian tried their best to tie.

The entire South Division is yet to make a roster move.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Mexico looks fun.

This picture was taken last night. Adam appears to be acclimating well.

Thursday, April 03, 2014

Well fellas, looks like I will be able to lead the life of a normal human being...Quit my job this week. Headed to a company called Rosetta Resources to work on their mergers and acquisitions team. Job starts May 1st and will be doing some traveling in the meantime but if anyone is keen to do stuff (cow tipping, throw stuff off a bridge, talk about how skinny we used to be, drink fortuitously, etc.), let me know. I'm also interested in trying out this thing the kids call "happy hours."

Wednesday, April 02, 2014

Pretty Nice Career for ol' Timmy D.

Saturday, March 29, 2014


This posted by one of kids I used to teach in Memphis (homeboy on the right). If we were all to attend this crazy fk'in party, which one of us would be:

A) Most Terrified
B) Most Likely to Get In A Fight
C) Most Likely to Hook Up with A Black Mama
D) Most Likely to Say Something Racist
E) Most Likely to Request A Song By DJ L.O.P

* I answered Lubahn to all 5 questions

Sunday, March 16, 2014

So Jess just told me an interesting story about the writer of iron man movie and Jess's dad's No Heroes book...he called him about his book and how it inspired him while writing the screen play, which writers are trying to make no heroes into a tv show, and he wrote a character into the screen play. Think of the movie based on Jess's maiden name Coulson. He also asked him to send the second book Jess's dad was writing or did write and said maybe he could help with current tv pilot efforts or work with her dad in the future