Monday, November 27, 2006

In this group who would be who in this story?


The Bear said...

Well the spread was Clemson -4.5. Therefore Clemson lost 35.5 to 28. The Murderer (Johnson) took Clemson, he lost fair and square. My guess is that Johnson didn't have the money to pay Quick (or he was too cheap to fork over $20), therefore in a biligerant state of mind shot his friend.

Cheap/Lack of 20 bucks = Portillo

Drunk guy who is in dying need of 20 bucks & won't leave the house until Portillo pays up = Me

Portillo shoots me in the face. Game over.

Lee said...

That pisses me off bear. Come NYE I'm going to take you down in line at the nicest club we go to. The first one to eat snow loses. Be prepared.

Anonymous said...

What club do you want to go to Eleah?

I mean Lee

The Bear said...

Haha, good one anonymous.

Faust said...

hmmm, well,anonymous is obviously (a) a hater, (b) has animosity towards relationships (c) funny.

Who is anonymous?

Brown said...

anonymous is miller. good call miller time.

Faust said...

I don't think so... Miller is not (a) a hater.

BDub_210 said...

Not me but very funny. I think it was the Colonel Mustard and he did it with a candlestick in the ballroom.

Anonymous said...

I liek!

Anonymous said...

Speelled wrong on porpoise!

BDub_210 said...

Anonymous is mad shady...reveal yourself you coward! You know you're afraid of the wrath of Lee's armhair...

Adam said...

Anonymoose is not me baby.

Reveal yourself you witty, good-looking, light from Heaven!

Anonymous said...

Hey thanks Adam Williams! Everyone was right, you really are a swell, tremendous guy. I also hear you're a hottie who was in MENSA.

Wow, you're a catch.

Adam said...

Thanks Anony. I'm glad you're there for me.

Anonymous said...

Always cupcake.

Faust said...

You're an idiot.

Anonymous said...

You guys are so fucking dumb!

Lee said...

Wow williams. That was kinda random haterness out of nowhere. Kinda like your ranting about the hottie self-named mia. I never undestood how she got brought into that.

Just to let you in, the eating snow thing is kind of an ongoning joke between the bear and I. And my arms are hairier then they ever have been. Amazing the amount of energy my body must lose to sustain this growth.

Also, my bad that I landed a curvy that likes to go to clubs. If I had known at the time it would cause you so much grief, I never would have let you move into the porch at the Low-Dub.

Adam said...

Whoa, was that sensistivity, accompanied by good spelling and grammar? I don't even know you anymore ``Lia''.

Before I feel remorse about `hating', I recall your response to my ideas for Chicago: ``No and No''.

I love this pre-Chicago bickering. Brings people together. Like strip-clubs and hukas.

Anonymous said...

Good point Kerouac.

I mean A.D. Williams

Anonymous said...

Anonymous! Anon! You little faggy shit, where are you? Are you playing with that fat friend of yours again?

Get in the house before he tries to put his "hot dog" in you again...

marcspoke said...

uh, lee, uh... schizophrenia boy is having a hard time coping with your relationship. keep humping randoms adub! you're a superstar.