Thursday, February 01, 2007

I am drunk you idiots. I love you guys the way any drunk friend loves his friends- wholeheartedly. And without proper discretion, without any fear of seaming over sympathetic or concerned. Becaus eI am concenred.

About Clint's hair being too wavy until it joins the Gulf of Mexico.
About Lubahn's baby growing thinking snakes are heavenly and doves are evil.
About Mazur making too much crude money and forgetting that he is a painter.
About Williams dizzying himself into oblivion.
About Weiss hiding in the desert until he wakes up in 2026.
About Portillo getting married to a wicked hot girl.
About Miller ending up on the cover of Time as "A Soldier's Story"
About Dalrymple if the Bears lose.

I am not concerned about Chambers. He will be fine.

There is love. It is quite real. Mazur has it. So does Brent. I'm sure Lee has something. I think I got it too. It's not like I thought. It is much cloudier. It is not red or white or blue. It is this cloudy orangish color. It is never fully distinguishable. It is there. Rght in fornt of you, but you can't quite touch it. You can feel it, but you can never hold it in your hand. That's why it is so mysterious.

I will pass out now.


Brown said...

Quite touching and quite strange Mr. Faust...Anybody else notice that if you cover up the names, you think it is Portillo typing?

L said...

Wow.....that's some feeling pouring out there folks.

So the Brits got a glimpse of our sentiMENTAL Faust....

Michael said...

good stuff there.

Collectively, as in the group, & I can say collectively because I just got off the phone with everyone, the IC is worried about your weight. English medicine is similar to that of Arlington, Tx & they brush their teeth with jolly ranchers & dog hair. How are they gonna be able to perform your triple bypass? you need a triple bypass. Come home Triplebypass FishNchips, come home.

Faust said...

It was a bad angle.

Or a bad belly. I'm not sure.

Great, now I am insecure.

By comparison I used the word;
love 3x

You used Triple Bypass 2x, and love 0x

good stuff there.