Monday, June 04, 2007

I am turning into the fat kid of the group. Please see blog pic to the right. Could it be b/c I drink way too much beer or have an insatiable desire for food? Putting in a call to Dan Marino today for the NutriSystem way.


Skinny Fat Kid


Michael said...
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Michael said...

i vouch for that. the first thing that popped into my head when i saw him this past saturday was "wow he's got bee sting head"

you're new name is candyman.

Faust said...

Thanks Candyman, we always need a fat kid. And Williams and I are tired of inhaling hot cheets and 'reduced fat'(Williams likes the orignal) cheez-its.

Way to step up!

Anonymous said...

no problem fellas...but not sure how long it's going to last as i matt chambers am starting to lift weights and ride the bike everyday...just thought i'd fill the void until i return to the non-bee sting chambers.

still skinny and fat

Anonymous said...

oh the doc on friday and had to step on the scale.

reading...177...pushin the 180 mark...never been so fat in my life except when i was a youth and my cousins would yell fat matt grab your belly...hahahahahahaha


just thought i needed to add another ...

Adam said...

Alright, I'll try to re-create my post from `anoche', or last night.

So, I arrived at the IC last night with two hunches: a) No new posts or B) The Schiavo-like state of the IC had been addressed. Thank you Adam Faust for bringing back the strugglin' Blzoggie Blog from the ashes.

I personally would like to apologize for my lack of communication since the Bearorama lakehouse '07. I haven't told any of you this, but I met a pidgeon at the lakehouse and her and I have been together every day since. Actually, well, we're expecting! So that's news! Thanks so much for hooking us up Brent. Like toast when you're high, you've always been a matchmaker.

Speaking of Brent, I would like to apologize for my lackluster reciprocation of your communicative efforts. You've really turned over a new phone calling leaf and frankly, I don't know how to react. I'm truly frightened by your genuine interest in me, our friendship and conversation beyond that of Fantasy Sports. I love the new Brent. Keep up the good work.

Also, Kevin Dalrymple, I apologize for my backing of Amare and Boris on such a hornets nest of an issue. I don't even know Amare or Boris, and for me to back them, well, that just defies the principles of the IC. For that, I apologize. Take me back Katie. I mean Kevin.

Most importantly, CLINTON FRAZIER BROWN is moving to Chile in like 8 days. I propose a Brown Roast, Jimmy Kimmel style. We should all get together and send Clint off by defaming, degrading and mocking him, so that when he arrives on the most frightening, gut-testing journey of his life, he'll know his friends support him. Also, rumor has it Clint got a haircut. I want pics Gordon Gecko! Let's Roast Brown.

Michael Mazur. You did leave several rancid messages for me last weekend. And yes, you acted as Mr. Cooter while referencing giving my mother a fellacio or `eating her fat pussy out'. Thanks for that. It was fun.
You also acted as my golden retriever canine `Mitchell'. While speaking in Mitchell voice, you referenced how he died when pummeled by a cement mixer truck. Then you laughed obnoxiously for 84 seconds. Neat.

Adam Faust, there's an ocean between our love. Come back and hold me. I also want to burn your Stalagmite Tortoises album. I love track four `Armadillo Eclipse'. It moves me.

Anyone see `Knocked Up'? Funniest movie in two years.

As for me, the oprhans are great and I had my first show at 2nd City a couple weeks ago. I haven't met an interesting chick in ages and every night I come home and think `Man, I wish my boys were here with me.'

Hi Lee. Hi Lee. Hi Lee. Hi Lee. Hi Lee. Hi Lee. Hi Lee.

Anyone up for the Chicago marathon in October? Chambers, or will you be in Liechenstein that week?


Anonymous said...

october 07 through july/august of 08 will be tough. depends on who gets to make the first voyage over...mcintosh or chambers? if mcintosh then maybe.

Michael said...

thank you artist formerly know as Bee Keeper.

Pic of suave brown forthcoming.