Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Via Text

Lee: Guess who asked to walk down the aisle with you at the wedding?

Faust: Who? (restrained elation)

Lee: Nobody you fat headed fuck!

Faust: Oh. (Hurt)

Lee: Do you need some aloe for that burn?


Faust said...

This is a good example of how Portillo is the biggest shit talker in the group.

The Bear said...

Here's one that happened to me on Monday:

Portillo: The Spurs signed Scottie Pippen?!

Me: Bullshit

Portillo: Check Yahoo Sports!

(surf the internet on my phone, obviously no reports)

I call Lee, "What are you talking about?"

Portillo: "Hahahaha, did you believe me?"

Brown said...

How about this one.

Portillo email 1:
subject: You are that special person who excells (actual spelling)
body: at being not only stupid but also an asshole

Brown response:
Why the hate?

Portillo response:
Question: Why the hate?
Answer: Cause I hate your face

Michael said...


Simon Cowell aka Portillo: Man those vids were awesome. I wish I went. It would have felt great to show you how much of a non athlete you are.

mazur respone: Eat would have injured yourself trying to follow my sponsored ass.

Simon: The only sponsor you have is your daddys money.

seperate txt

Simon: Are you going to tailgate the radiohead concert? Just make sure to blast creep on your sick system when you do.

Faust said...

so this is a pattern... anyone else like to sound off?

Adam said...

I feel left out, well, except for when he publicly bashes me on the blog for my povertous, gluttonous lifestyle choices.

I gotta say, the Radiohead tailgate blasting `Creep' line is pretty damn hilarious

Lee said...

Thanks for ruining my weekend Fasut. I was planning on sending that test out to the other non married's as well.

Lee said...

Williams would have bit just as hard. The wisel was the wild card.

Lee said...

BTW - I meant to write "text" not test.

Faust said...

Did you mean to say, "Fasut?"