Friday, April 25, 2008

Big Boy Biking in Big City
I've been biking around the city lately.
I'm pretty sure I look pretty cool doing so.


Faust said...

O my god!

All I could think of is Lenny from Of Mice and Men...

Michael said...

Lenny is smaller than adam........raise that seat up you fucking ostrich.

over/under on you being kidnapped is set at 4 days. I've got the under.

Faust said...

Yeah, I think the low seat makes you like you are a small child in a big boy body.

After being kidnapped you will be forced to train Bears to ride bikes.

L said...

Date nights with Williams just got just a whole lot fewer and far between

"Yea, mine's the Huffy over there"

Adam said...

I'm usually wearing my tiny helmet when I come to pick them up.

Chicks dig it Brent.

The Bear said...

One word: DORK (And I dont mean Dynamite, Out-of-Sight, Radical Kid)

Hey, I like the countdown to the bachelor party. Nice work Faust.