To Touch or Not to Touch
Let's start with a little story.
For those of you who don't know I am pretty fond of my brother in law, let's call him Dick. Well, Dick is supposedly in school right now at the ripe old age of 23 as a junior. I believe Chambers is the only person in history to be in school longer... So Dick needs a break. Because as we as know those last two years of school, especially summer school, can really be stressful.
[Side note - We actually played 5 man NHL Hockey on PS2 from 2pm until 3am 3 days in a row at Trail Lake...and if you got up to piss you lost your controller. I have heard rumors of a similar, and possibly more intense situations at W.Lowden with foosball.
So, Dick needs a break from the stresses of school and decides to pack up the old tin car on wheels, 2007 AUDI, and heads for Fort Worth. Great, I haven't got to see him in awhile and it will be nice. He arrives and the evening goes well....we watch the ESPY's and I must say Justin Timberlake was superb.
We call it a night and about half way through the night I think to sure feels cold in here. The alarm goes off this morning I get out of bed shower and head to the office down the hall. As I pass by the thermostat I do a double take and notice that DICK has dropped my AC down 5 degrees...
When you are an overnight guest at someone's home is it appropriate to touch the thermostat?
My thoughts on IC responses:
Faust - No
Chambers - So that's what that does?
Portillo - Not in his home, but he would do it to Williams
Williams - He'll make a jack ass comment about the heat, but in the end he'll just sweat it out
Mazur - His dad broke his left arm once as "a lesson learned" to NEVER touch the thermostat.
Bear - Offered to turn it to whatever his guests would like
Weiss - No idea how to operate one.
Brown - Just now recalling what a thermostat is.....he had tiger-striped pixie fanning him in South America while images of pink dolphins danced in his head
Miller - He'll just wear less clothing
If I were at my brother-in-law's house, then yes I would probably crank it down low.
If a man is hot, turn up the AC or give em a fan.
you never touch another man's thermostat...
you also never borrow another man's underwear.
superb post.
gotta love your bro-n-law.
Agree. That is way off limits and uncalled for. I learned that growing up as my dad was a stiffler when it came to the A/C (and still is). In fact, he finally broke down and bought one where you have to input a code to change it (eventhough no one lives upstairs anymore,.. but he still doesnt trust the maids).
In High Schoool, my house was kind of the "sleep over" place for all my friends. They also learned at a young age and used to quote the saying "You don't FUCK, with Mr. D's A/C".
My roommates' (Beavis and Butthead) parents `assist' them with rent and utilities, meaning money is still a fun, greeny thing that dad supplies when they've finished off the eighth of pot consumed the night before.
This summer, both of them were late on paying me for electric. I reminded them twice and, when my urgings fell into marijuana-land brains, I reverted to passive aggression. One night, I came home to find the thermostat at something absurd like 68. I turned it off and placed a note on top of it.
It read: `Do not touch until bill is paid. In case of emergency, open windows.'
Beavis paid the following day. Butthead called his dad to write me a check.
I want to point something out; you are kinda terrible at picking roommates. Outside of WLOWDEN (pretty short stay) & THELAKE III (shortish stay?), you are the Isaiah Thomas of roommate drafting. Real World would cast all of your prior roommates, a couple of your orphans, & that ham you lived off of for 9 months and it would be the most fucked up real world of all time. MTV would make so much money off of Real World Adam Williams Roommate Edition Devil’s Den they’d be able to buy Google and Exxon and rule the world.
Agree with Mazur...let's not forget Jon "I'll fight you" Myers, it would be an instant sensation
I think you're on to something Mazur. Look at this cast:
- Jon Meyers
- Beavis
- Butthead
- Bob Cooter
- Erik Finlay
- Melissa Darling
- Bailey Lubahn
- Vintage nose-pick Portillo
- 9-month raw ham
- tarantula
- cockroach colony
*They'd all have to live in the patio section of W. Lowden and could only use the tiny red truck for transport. Person to gain the most weight in a year wins.
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