Thursday, February 05, 2009

Easy there Tri-Lambs

Edit by Faust

After further review, and being gchat insulted by L, I realized there is something far more frightening than Williams and I's fratitude.

There is a snake in this picture. Look into his eyes. Creeping like a Tater Tot Medusa.


Faust said...


Sadly I was pretty frattastic for about a year or so.

On a different not- college sure looks like fun.

marcspoke said...

least and most fart-tasteless of us?

L said...

A year? You lived were Tshirt chair. We created a chair for you Frat Guy!

Couple of side notes:
- Duke is looking awfully rowdy in is this pic

- Williams is looking quite slender

- Is that Taylor

- Paint your date was BY FAR the coolest party we had

Ever so often it would be nice to be able to go back to 2001 - 2003 just to visit,

2nd kid coming next week

The Bear said...

Biggest side note of all.... Faust is throwing up "third degree"

Faust said...

Slightly bigger side note: Bear knows what the symbol "3rd degree" looks like.

The Bear said...

Ahahaha... nice try but nope. You are knowing what the symbol is AND throwing it up. Not to mention you throwing your tongue in the wind while sporting a very fratastic cowboy hat.

Michael said...

is that your cowboy hat? you are a frat god.