Tuesday, May 26, 2009

A-Dub, I did a google image search of Costa Rica (trying to find a map), and this is one of the first images that came up.... have fun my friend.


Adam said...

I came across the same image. It's like the fourth picture under Costa Rica.

I'm assuming all women look exactly like that.

BDub_210 said...

That's a guy.

marcspoke said...

i'd do him.

Adam said...

Would you foot massage him?

BDub_210 said...

Snap! Lubahn needs to be in the mix...where you at Pizza face?

marcspoke said...

lubahn is moving to colder climates.

L said...

I think it's just fine to get and give a foot massage to a man dressed like a woman.....still sucks :>)

Our bodies are not made to live in 100+


Adam said...

Avg temp in Costa Rica: 78, mostly sunny; beaches, rainforests, poverty