Wednesday, June 10, 2009

So, I may not post very much but I still think about you all often. To prove it, I came across this video and immediately thought of two people, Brian Weiss and Adam Williams. I believe either one could have done this and perhaps while sporting even shorter shorts.


BDub_210 said...

totally redeemed yourself Mr. Browntown. That is rad.

The Bear said...

Seriously, WTF? That really happened?? There was a similar act on the latest TV show Weeds at the very end...

Faust said...

I think it looks more like Portillo than anyone.

Michael said...

portillo is not that good of a dancer....he has the rhythm of a 6ft 12 year old.

L said...

That is Williams without a doubt.

Welcome back Clint Brown....we need more of you!

marcspoke said...

we need whatever drugs that dude was on.