Until now, tour whack ass post solicited 0 comments.
Thanks for wasting my time.
2things I gathered from your post. #1, you're a fag for admitting to watch the bachelor. #2, you aren't funny/clever/witty. You're a dontcha know milktoast fag.
This comment strand sucks. Weiss, you are the angriest Internet phenomenom since Christian Bale. I like real life Weiss better. But not real life Weiss driving a car. I hate that Weiss.
Until now, tour whack ass post solicited 0 comments.
Thanks for wasting my time.
2things I gathered from your post. #1, you're a fag for admitting to watch the bachelor. #2, you aren't funny/clever/witty. You're a dontcha know milktoast fag.
General Sherman style
Weiss, if Lubahn said what you just said to him you would never talk to him again.
is there a bachelor costa rica coming up?
i thought they(main-stream-media) just frauded the men and women hooked up on the show?
Keeping weisss angst reeking comment in mind, who had a worse day yesterday?
a) Weiss
b) Guantanamo prisioner #219
c) Amy Winehouses liver
One word for Weiss - Midol - hear it works wonders for that special time of the month.
Thanks Brian...I appreciate your constructive critisms and will make sure to return the favor when you post your next sweet video.
Milktoast fag
This comment strand sucks. Weiss, you are the angriest Internet phenomenom since Christian Bale.
I like real life Weiss better. But not real life Weiss driving a car. I hate that Weiss.
Will someone please tell me what a milktoast fag is?
Lubahn likes to eat milk and toast. Which is very true.
It was actually very creative because those two are right up there with tator tot hotdish
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