Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Hello Gentleman. This is Adam Williams. You might remember me from such instances as "The time I tried to jump over water onto Kevin's dock" or "The time a neighbor boy touched me in my sleep". Those of you that are Simpsons fans would recognize that as a Troy McClure (Phil Hartman's voice) opener. Which leads me to this question: How many of you were Simpsons lovers? Which leads me to this question, which is the general theme of this post:
How many of us do you really feel you know these days?
There it is.
I feel like having a Koom-By-Ya blog. A, this is me right now and this is who I am Blog.
I thought this stemmed from moving to a different country, but I realize these thoughts have been stirring in my head long before I left Chicago. For a quite a while over the past year, I feel the threads of the IC are loosening, like your baby blanket that your mom keeps in a closet and you see every few years and say "awww", even though it's all tattered and useless.
Truthfully, I know we know each other from our pasts, from college and a few years thereafter. Some of those friendships are still strong. Some have weakened.
It seems, as we get older and get wives and kids and careers, friendships we once considered a necessity, become a novelty. Friendship is now just that fun getaway 2-4 times a year, where you can revert to who you used to be and do what you used to do.
For some reason, that doesn't satisfy me like it used to.
I think I feel differently about it, because, aside from our 2-3 nights of getting drunk and taking pictures of how drunk we are and Faust pushing his "best man" into a trash can, part of me knows I don't know some of you at your core, or at least as well as I used to.
I think it's profile time. All (10) members, if we still have 10, fucking write something about yourself. Funny, sappy, serious, or in Samuel L. Jackson mutha fuckin' SPeak!
I don't care. I just want to hear from my "10 best friends" and hear what is going on with their lives.
Somebody start.
That's it.

Oh, and Costa Rica for New Year's. My boss has a guy who owns a hotel on the beach. I stayed there last weekend for $30/night. Beers ran me a $1.25.


Faust said...

Name: Adam Christian Faust
Age: 28
Location: Houston, TX
Status: Married
Job: Art Director

What I want in a friend:
Loyalty, Ability to forgive outrageous behavior, nice arms

About Me:
I am happy. My life is as good as it has been in as long as I can remember. My wife and I rent a house in a cool/gay area of Houston. We have a Great Dane/Lab mix named Atticus. I have 2 local friends now, Kevin and Matt. There is potential for a 3rd guy named Clint but he works a lot.

My wife and I drink & smoke too much, but we try to eat healthy and hope they will cancel each other out. We are planning to celebrate our 1 year anniversary in Costa Rica.


marcspoke said...

what was the question?

L said...

Name: Brent Scott Lubahn
Age: 28
Sign: Scorpio
Location: Fort Worth, TX
Status: Married
Job: Executive Recruiter

What I want in a friend:
Loyalty, understanding and honesty, enjoying the little things

About Me:
I have a very blessed life other than my current job situation, recruiting in a depression! I have a been married to my beautiful wife for 27 years and have the two best kids ever, Jack (3) and Sawyer (6 months). There is nothing more important to me in this world than my family and I would do anything for them, period. We live in Fort Worth, but I would eventually like to move back to Minnesota to be near my family. We have 2 dogs, a betta and a fish tank with 6 fish, 2 of which we reproduced. I have killed 7 fish as well. Locally I have.....well....hopefully Miller soon. Mazur and I have lived less than 3 miles from each other for years but don't ever do anything togeher and I would love for that to change. Until then I have my wife's friends husbands that aren't terrible but enough said there.

I am an avid Horned Frog fan with season tickets to Football and Women's Basketball and tailgate at every game.

We drink wine by the box because we don't really know or appreciate the true taste and it's cheap.

Jack is extremely coordinated and I get excited at the potential that I see in him but just hope that I don't turn out to be that crazy over the top dad. I'm already certain that I will in fact be that overly protective dad to boyfriends until she's 16.

Onward we go

L said...

And I don't spell very well at all, although it is ironic because I beat my wife in scrabble every time during our weekly game night.

Adam said...

I realize I was a little emotionally charged when I wrote this post, but damn, two responses. Make that three. At least we have each other...

Name: Adam Williams
Age: 28
Location: San Jose, Costa Rica
Sign: Pisces
Status: Single and prowling
Occupation: Business/Sports reporter, Tico Times
Favorite song (if I had to choose): Sinatra, Young at Heart
Favorite movie: Cool Hand Luke

Friends: I like genuine people whose value system is similar to my own. Humility is important as well.

Me: Currently living in SJ, CR. Seven weeks in (almost). City is a little ratty and dirty, but the people are nice and my job is pretty cool. Spanish is every where and, though I do speak English at work, 64% of the day is spent in Spanish, which is enjoyable and frustrating. I got to cover the World Cup of Surfing the last two weekends and partied IC style for three nights. Though I am still up for the party occasionally, it's allure lacks.
I love to write. It's what I'll do as a career in some form. I hope it allows me to travel around some more and hopefully one day I'll find a little chica to go along with me.
I read a lot, I really like fried okra and I am big. People in Costa Rica have called me "el gigante" and "Shrek". I'm like the 8th biggest guy in the country. My favorite author recently has been Dostoyesvky, though Garcia Marquez rules, so does Sedaris, so does Steinbeck.

Who's next? I'd bet Park Place we don't get six responses. Cowards.

Lee said...

Please recall my direct submission to you A-Dub.

L said...

Cool Lee.....real cool

marcspoke said...

name: marc travis miller
age: 27, but can act way younger
location: transient
status: i have a girlfriend...?
what i want in a friend: loyalty, balls, a proper thug- on occasion(weiss is the only wuss allowed, lubahn too), can't be a minority(sorry portillo), never women-you just end up fucking them, thoughtfulness.
job: military. student, again, in january.
food: i like fish. i like raw, organic veggies. i like fiber. smoothies are cool.
texas: texas is in my blood. it's cliche, but the miller side of my family moved to the state in the late 1700s(mother's side is cherokee bastards, and italian emmigrants...). i had a full on obssssive conversation about heritage with one of lee portillo's aunts on the subject at his wedding. it was intense. probably had something to do with the mushrooms.
women: women are awesome. not the fat, ugly, retarded, non eugenic ones though... just kidding... not really.
my policy: is in a constant state of flux. perpetually seeking atonement, catharsis, sex. i like to gamble. i've learned to skeptical not cynical; risk taking not risk seeeeeeeeeking.
love: one love... jah is da best one.

Faust said...

Nice work Miller, honest and hilarious.

A "D-" for Lee who pussed out and sent a private love note.

Adam said...

Good shit Millbone.

I definitely assumed Kevin Dalrymple would step to the plate. Or Matt Chambers.

The Bear said...

I realized I was lying in my first confessional so here we go again...

Name: Adam Williams
Age: 28
Location: Where ever the tide takes me
Sign: Pisces
Status: Lonely
Occupation: Bully
Favorite song (if I had to choose): Verve Pipe - Bullies on Vacation
Favorite movie: Bullies (1986)

Friends: I like people who make me feel better about myself, especially in basketball because I am tall and no one can guard me.

Me: Currently living in SJ, CR., 8 weeks now, WOW! City is perfect for me because everyone is short and I can take the entire community in basketball if I wanted to. Plus they all suck at basketball, even the little ones, and it makes it easy for me to make fun of them for sucking at all sports. Spanish is everywhere and, though I do speak English when I bully make work friends, 64%of the words that come out of my mouth are Spanish bully words, which is enjoyable and frustrating because that means I am only 64% bully. That’s ok though because I love to write. Most of the time I write about how great I was this one time when I played my American friends in basketball and dominated everyone because of my height. People in Costa Rica have called me "el gigante" and "Shrek". I'm the biggest guy in the country, which gives me ultimate bully power. Sometimes I blog with my American friends and talk about how none of them are athletic and then I talk about the days I played division 1 soccer at TCU. They all say I ran the TCU soccer team out of town, but the real reason they left is because NCAA got word of my awesomeness and felt it was only fair to disassemble the team. My name is El Gigante Williams, and I am ridiculously awesome.

Adam said...

I wouldn't have known who this was, had Kevin Dalrymple not sent me an eerily identical email.

Wish you would have done a real one...