Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Our Favorite Ginger....

Now a HEISMAN canidate - Click Here
And he is still just a Ginger!... I mean a Junior!


Did you guys hear about the new uniforms we are breaking out for Saturday??


Faust said...

That looks like that girl Miliron dated. I think proposed to her.

BDub_210 said...

Miliron was a handsome gentleman. I want to take snaps from that girl a la Bill Murray in Kingpinz.

Anonymous said...

is she from tcu? if so, i hope miller meets her.

The Bear said...


The Bear said...

I hate that guy....

The Bear said...

And yes, according to this website she is a Horny Toad - http://bigpapadaddy.wordpress.com/

Warning - there are a lot of similar skanky photos at the site above from various colleges. Might want to wait until after 5 PM to view.

L said...

I'm sure my office mates won't mind

Faust said...

Chambers and I looked at this picture for 5 minutes last night. I cursed it. Ugh

Adam said...

She is a student??

She does look like Jessica Siedler.

Ever miss college? 8,000 reasonably irresponsible people the same age within a mile radius?

I went to a Costa Rican college campus today. Costs Rican girls look like TCU girls that wear high heels to class.

L said...

I would even question if a Costa Rican college would have even more attractive women than TCU?

Faust said...

I would just question a Costa Rican college.

Adam said...

Yeah, man. Mexicans are stupid.

TCU girls are hotter, you're right. Remember that first year after college when you didn't understand why 65% of your office wasn't silly hot? That took some adjustment.

Faust said...

Don't paint me with that racist brush, Adam, Costa Rica isn't known for it's educational system.

marcspoke said...

i hope this chick likes gnarly beards.

Adam said...

Costa Rica actually IS known for its educational system, guy who makes uninformed statements. It has a 96% literacy rate, which is by Latin American terms, is astounding.

If you want to know more about Costa Rican universities (because you don't) -

Look up INCAE (which you won't). It's a world renowned business school that is a Latin American branch of Harvard and hires almost only Harvard/Yale professors. (I wrote a doozy on it)

Another one: University EARTH (I know, I know, you've lost interest). It's an agricultural school that provides all U.S. Whole Foods stores with the organic fruit yuppies chew on. (wrote a little ditty on that one too)

I defend these places because I respect them and think an uninformed cheap shot deserves retaliation.


Faust said...

I am not going to engage. I want to, but I will not. You know more about this subject than me.

BDub_210 said...

Well said Adam. You forgot to mention the highest literacy rate and no standing Army. Te amo guey!


L said...

17 comments is such a draw, but damn I hate having to see that sex kitten everyday

marcspoke said...

this girl hurts my eyes and brain everytime i come onto the blog.

Faust said...

I heard her personality sucks.