Sunday, November 01, 2009

This is why I love Manu


Adam said...

Bat killer.

The Bear said...

Most awesome. Funny how it happened on Halloween too.

marcspoke said...

bat murderer.

Faust said...

Why does Manu hate animals?

Adam said...

Josh Howard would never do that.

L said...

That was pretty money. I bet Tim Duncan cried about it later because he's a BITCH!

BDub_210 said...

Daniel Laruso.

marcspoke said...

there's two r's in karate kid, lubahn^2.

Faust said...

Josh would have been afraid of the bat.

Adam said...

That bat would have been scared of Josh.

Michael said...

Josh would have thrown the bat a party.........and then raped it.......because he's a BITCH! (for the record all caps drives me up a wall)