Bat killer.
Most awesome. Funny how it happened on Halloween too.
bat murderer.
Why does Manu hate animals?
Josh Howard would never do that.
That was pretty money. I bet Tim Duncan cried about it later because he's a BITCH!
Daniel Laruso.
there's two r's in karate kid, lubahn^2.
Josh would have been afraid of the bat.
That bat would have been scared of Josh.
Josh would have thrown the bat a party.........and then raped it.......because he's a BITCH! (for the record all caps drives me up a wall)
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Bat killer.
Most awesome. Funny how it happened on Halloween too.
bat murderer.
Why does Manu hate animals?
Josh Howard would never do that.
That was pretty money. I bet Tim Duncan cried about it later because he's a BITCH!
Daniel Laruso.
there's two r's in karate kid, lubahn^2.
Josh would have been afraid of the bat.
That bat would have been scared of Josh.
Josh would have thrown the bat a party.........and then raped it.......because he's a BITCH! (for the record all caps drives me up a wall)
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