Tuesday, December 01, 2009


What if TCU never happened?

What if a 12th grade education was all you mustered?

Where would you be?

Pick somebody and tell their story. It can be a sentence (Chambers) or a sonnet (Williams)... I guess I will pick Lubahn because of the above picture.

Never leaves Minnesota. But still managed to snake his educated Darling back to Minnesota and marry up. He leaves Winona for the bright lights of LaCrosse, Wisconsin. There his wife supports his hopes of becoming a minor league hockey player as he battles in the semi-pro adult circuit.

Sadly, his youngest of 9 children chokes on a tater tot, and though Brent was successful in reviving the youngster, his jean shorts (he never met me so his wardrobe never evolved) got caught fire on the space heater. His legs were burned and his hockey career was over. He moves back to Winona. Alex, his youngest brother, got him a job driving the Zamboni before the 3rd period of the Winona Pirates' Pee-Wee hockey games.

In the words of Richard Mazur,"get your education."


The Bear said...

Lee Portillo stays in San Antonio and revisits the Churchill soccer team every season to remind everyone that he scored the winning goal in the 1998 State Championship Game. With no good moral to Lee's story (just bragadocious), the coaches ask Lee to stop coming to the high school in 2005. Lee goes into a dark hole and is not heard from until 2 years later when Carlo Cerna offers him a job at El Jarro. Lee glady accepts the position and convinces the Cerna's to allow the picture of his winning goal to be displayed in the waiting room of the restaurant. Lee works at El Jarro for 47 years as just a waiter, never remembering if he washed his hands before each table he served.

BDub_210 said...

Le' Cheyam. I am the King Of All Jews!

Adam said...

well done Kevin