Chambers: Tanzania: Hunter of precious animals, untamed, rugged, open to unprotected sex
Lubahn: Turkey - sneaky, seemingly silent and suddenly a nuclear threat, accustomed to cold, eat lots of soup. Turkish-born Hedo Turkoglu is one of Lubahn's favorite NBAers.
Portillo: Nicaragua - Cheap, disorganized, dirty, fun, run by a dictator with fun-loving, well-traveled wife
Brown: Brazil - Sweaty, likes women and a good time, expected to be wealthy soon, has hidden things lurking in its jungle
Faust: France - Aggressive and sometimes rude, well dressed, smokes, wears scarves, on a quest to out hipster everyone else
Miller: North Korea: Intriguing, threatening, bullying, improving, and run by a zany miltant cat with a taste for women
Weiss: Thailand: Great to visit, fun, capital is Bangkok (like penis), sometimes troubled by in-fighting
Bear: USA: Lovers of capitalism, TV sport packages, Whataburger and the only country you can get a BWI.
Mazur: Israel: Wealthy, calculated, will bomb you if you come on their property and/or steal your fucking aid boat without remorse
Butz: Russia: Biggest country in world, gritty, efficient, cold, run by a man who appointed himself Prime Minister after his Presidency just so he could still run shit
Williams: Greece: Lots of beach time, darkish complexion, loves eating, looking for large financial bailout package
thanks, i see nk not improving, and possibly self-destructing. cant feed their own people. i think my country might be off a tad.
i take it back. i almost lost mazur's dog-people out of the question, im extremely prone to self-destructive behavior historically, and i love sniffing women.
pretty nifty analysis all together.
putin and medvedev are not tall, butz is decended from the rus(pronounced roos uh) the original viking rabble rousers.
Great read, more detailed comment to come but my initial reaction is Mazur's is perfect!
Does anyone else think Turkey would make a great nickname for Lubahn?
"Turkey kills tater tots."
"How are Turkey's kids?"
"Turkey's here!"
I thoroughly enjoyed this. Well done Adelphos Williakiosis.
When does baby Miguel pop its head out?
they already have a kid, they named it laundry or shovel or something... mazur will manual labor his daughter one day, and likely require a dowry/down payment from any male bonafides... j/k, no baby.
Are Bear and Weiss boycotting the blog?
Well done, Williams. This has been the best post since I have been a member (except for all of Miller's, of course).
Side note: does Portilo ever post anything? Does he even read this?
Portillo is a ghost.
el fantasma.
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