Wednesday, June 23, 2010



BDub_210 said...

Cardiac/Comeback Kids! When Landon scored I ran outside, grabbed my American flag hanging up and ran up and down my street in my boxers. Great day!

Adam said...

I am still sweating.

Wore my jersey to work. Been yelling "Gringos!" all day and just jumping.

How about a picture of the team tackling each other at the corner flag instead of this queer ball?

Sorry Lubes.

Faust said...

Agreed. Ball was not the appropriate choice.

We also drew Ghana which is pretty damn good considering the alternatives. I will be watching the game with in-laws or by myself in a Port Aransas bar that will likely be blaring Jimmy Buffett. What's more American than that?

-Pencil-Thin Moustache

marcspoke said...

bring a gun. texas(like will ferrell dubya would say it).

how about horned frogs and grand slams and stuff?

L said...

I knew this but I liked the ball and the win was so new that they did not have actual pics up yet.

Ghana is a great draw for us. I liked the way that we played last game.