Monday, June 28, 2010

Adam Williams tours Texas looking for food, fun and friends. He is in high spirits and excited to be in his homeland.


L said...

It's nice to see him where he belongs

Adam said...

We went by your house in Crowley. It looked like a dog had tried to eat the brick foundation and we found a bag of weed jammed into one of the gutters.

Then we toilet-papered the house and Faust kicked the new owner in the shins.

Adam said...


Post Peru Pics.

Ahora. (Now)

Adam said...

Anyone else notice the similarities between the TCU baseball and US World Cup runs??

Both possibly exceeded expectations and yet mildly disappointed with the "what could have been".

Both were characterized by some dramatic comebacks.

Both will be remembered for one "shining" moment: Donovan's late goal and the Grand Slam.


marcspoke said...

must be the omaha to south africa conspiracy everyone's on about here in fort worth.

The Bear said...

Yes, I was quoted saying to my lonesome self in Omaha after TCU won that awesome game as "this is the greatest sports day of my life"

1. World Cup Thriller
2. Wimbledon 5th Set Tie Breaker
3. TCU 8 Runs in the 8th inning.

then came Saturday....

1. World Cup letdown
2. Horned Frog beatdown
....thank God for the Gay Pride Parade that night to keep me and BDub alive, oh and were we EVER!

BDub_210 said...

It was ab fab babe! I still have some of the wild cherry lube they were passing out. Bruce was in full effect!

Adam said...

Sounds like you guys had a super fun eve!


Send Pics!

Butz said...

Williams: Peru pics on the way soon.