Monday, August 30, 2010

if anybody gets a little tv time on wednesday...


The Bear said...

Ill watch it for sure, Hard Knocks is also on Wednesday so Ill have to set my DVR.

marcspoke said...

not sure what the course is like now, but the months of august, september, october, november, and december of 2006 were not fun. and then i got deployed.

Faust said...

"But to earn the name "Recon Marine", you must first survive the Corps' famously grueling 12-week recon course. Marines are pushed to unconsciousness in the pool, and then wrestle their 90-pound packs into the pounding surf of the Pacific Ocean. It's a man-breaking, all-out endurance test that forges top soldiers with unparalleled skills."

I will watch.

L said...

Very good show

Butz said...

I watched the Ranger episode. It was intense. I think of Miller whenever I see military shows.

Miller, where do Rangers fall on the scale of military badassness?

marcspoke said...

the marines from my unit that went to ranger school compared it to the marine corp's school of infantry. soi, is an 8 week course, but they starve you, make you play paddy cake, etc. i think i slept on a mattress a total of 8 days in soi, weekends. there's a reason it's called the suck.

guys that want to do that kind of stuff, infantryman-tier 1 operator, generally want to be there. when youre around a bunch of people who want to destroy, kill, murder, maim, things can get intense/interesting. add to it that these jobs facilitate/reward said behavior/mentalities.

it doesnt matter where you are. youre going to run into weak bitches/mentally weak guppies everywhere. and the opposite is true as well.
