although miley ray cyrus is a ballsucker, that will likely follow in the foot steps of lamesy lohan, this guy, stephen torrance(i think), is not a ballsucker. he does an excellent job of conveying to a deaf person what miley conveys to teenie bopping pubescent wank children.
twice. im drunk.
I fixed it.
thanks. dude is rad by the way. probably gets to feel miley's titties. im laughing my ass off right now... like literally roflmfao!
I like the homesick gesture.
I don't get the appeal of this video.
it appeals to deaf people.
I am sure glad that you posted this.
This might be the best video ever posted on the blog. This song will forever have a whole new meaning
What is good about this? I am not being a dick- I am just thoroughly confused.
It's funny. Tits.
although miley ray cyrus is a ballsucker, that will likely follow in the foot steps of lamesy lohan, this guy, stephen torrance(i think), is not a ballsucker. he does an excellent job of conveying to a deaf person what miley conveys to teenie bopping pubescent wank children.
This video sucks.
3 likes (Miller, Bear, Weiss)
3 dislikes (Faust, Williams, Lubahn)
Can we get a tiebreaker?
I like this song though. It makes me want to rid myself of inhibitions, put my hands up and let the butterflies fly away.
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