I caught a foul ball.
A foul ball hit by Albert Pujols.
Piper and I were about 20 rows back on the lower level on the first base side. In the sixth inning, Pujols hit a high foul ball that towered above us. It appeared it would end up in the second deck, but I remained vigilant and transfixed on the ball- Piper was transfixed on her nachos. The ball caromed off the second deck, dropped about 100 feet, and I caught the ball with one hand. It was a magnificent moment. The crowd cheered- and as I stood there stunned, a drunk yelled out, "You're gonna need to change your underpants!"
As to not make this post entirely self-serving, please post some of your magnificent non-major moments.
i have none.
good work. youre a crowd pleaser/wife protector, unlike blowhard bo from weeks ago.
Congratulations, that's a pretty cool story and one you will remember forever. The best I can say is that Ive been on Kiss Me Cam twice with Katie. Katie has been on 3 times, 2 with me and 1 with Garland.
Great story. Felt like I was there. Love the comment by the drunk.
Katie and Garland on Kiss Cam is also wonderfully hilarious.
So, looking at the picture of this ball, I realize it is just like the one given to me at the MLB baseball factory in Costa Rica. I've been to the factory, that made the ball, that ended up in Houston, that was pitched by an Astro, that sliced of the bat of Albert Pujols, that caromed of the upper deck, that ended up in your hand and now rests under your pillow.
Can you feel the magic?
Now go back and read that in the voice of James Earl Jones from Field of Dreams.
Also, great poll question.
I'm peace corps, to the core.
PS - Where the Fuck is Nikolai Butz and Miguel Mazur?
I think Bear should change his moment to the TCU vs. Southern Miss game in which we appeared as the obligatory college TCU football fans from out of town.
Happy face, followed by sad face. Either way we had lots of face time on ESPN.
Karl Malone is another moment I treasure.
I recently met a Costa Rican girl who said her family loves the Utah Jazz, particularly because of all the championships they lost in the 90s.
She then said, "I love Karl Malone".
I told her the infamous Bdub-Karl Malone story and that Karl had 22 illegitimate kids.
Though current NBA-ers are dumb, Malone might be in the running for dumbest man walking.
As for all-time stories, I once pretended to be Roger Federer, the tennis champion.
What are the other top five non-major momements? Faust covered baby and wedding, but what are the other three? I know for a fact I will never experience at least two of the five.
One of my top moments was a 3 pointer at the buzzer to win the Chaminade Christmas tournament freshman year in high school. It was the chamionship game, I took the inbounds from under our own basket, several dribbles, pulled up a couple of steps inside half court and buried it. Game. Over. Bleachers cleared onto the court. I also recieved a BJ on this night. Boom.
I would trade this memory for a caught Pujols HR ball, but not for a foul ball from Pujols.
A top moment I would trade for a Pujols foul ball would be the one in which I crashed my Civic, first on accident, into a parked car outside of Cleveland and Boyd's TCU house after a party. Because this first accident was so humerous at the time, I then drove around the block and hit it again, this time on purpose. Beer was involved.
After baby and marriage, I'd say the other 3 are buying a house, saving someone from a life threatening situation, and having sex with a celebrity. Guy or girl. That's what I would say.
Those are all fair. I can now start my new life with new goals.
Next, I just fucking clicked on this link http://amyandbrettkummer.blogspot.com/ and I am out of breath. I believe from disbelief and anger. I read through some of the post and said "fuck you" out loud after almost every sentence. Truly an incredible read. Someone is looking pretty healthy.
My best bonner moment was appearing on the front page of the SA Express Sports section. August 26, 1999. Gucci Bowl. Sack/Forced Fumble action shot.
Weiss, I loved our ESPN facetime but ultimately a bad memory... I'm glad we had weed
Who is military and who is Peace Corps?
Williams has stated he was Peace Corps, as was I. It was not even a thought for me. But, we do have a rare 50/50 poll going so it must be up for debate.
Poor, rich Brett Kummer.
military. wtf is peace corps? corpse is more like it.
Although I have full support for the Peace Corps, I chose Military for the cool physical training aspect.
So cool training aspect beats building huts for starving Sri Lankans?
World Peace Thereom:
Peace > War, but War creates peace.
Solve that one.
Butz, I want more on this hitting a parked car story. I pooped my britches when I read it.
I did administer the Heimlich to a choking cousin. Textbook heimlich. As his worried Dad neared, his choking son projectile spit gooey half-chewed steak in his Dad's face. Wiping it off, his Dad said "I should choke you for that."
Top moment:
I used to buy pregnant teenagers huge bags of diapers for their baby showers. I didn't support teen pregnancy but that didn't stop them from being pregnant. They were poor, so I bought them about 200 diapers each.
Did I mention Peace Corps?
I also think doing a politician would be as cool as celebrity, though in many ways they are the same thing.
Like if Bdub made out with Condi Rice, I'd want to hear that story.
I do not have much to add re: hitting a parked car on accident and then on purpose. It was in my cigarette burned, dip cup filled, ass smelling Civic in which the event took place. John Southard (Lubahn's single most life shaping figure) was riding shotgun and we were both laughing to the point of tears. I drove home recklessly to our house on Hildring and we both went to sleep. We didnt talk about it until about a week later. It was someone's brand new Tahoe with the temporary tags still on them, so I felt pretty bad about it after the fact, but that is what insurance is for, right? Southard had a theory about whose vehicle it was, but I cant recall off hand. The one lesson I learned from this event is that alcohol makes everything better. This is not debatable.
A fairly memorable moment that solidified one aspect of many of our TCU lives was Halloween night 2001.
Faust was the designated DrDr but that night he went AWOL on us which left a scraggly group to attempt the drive home. I was seemingly the most responsible and took the wheel of his White 1994 Jeep Cherokee outside of what was then Pig & Whistle.
With roughly 10 passengers in the 5person vehicle I proceeded to back directly onto the hood of the BMW behind us with the owner shouting from across the street "that's my car"....time to go!
I drove out of the parking lot around the corner, stopped, got out of the vehicle, Matthew Chambers and I passed each other in front of the vehicle:
Chambers: "fuking idiot"
He drove us home.
Faust has driven ever since....
That story rocks.
How many of us have been involved in a hit and run of some sort?
I'm at about 3 and counting. I also ran over an electrical box after leaving Fat Harry's.
I wish drunk driving wasnt so much fun.
a memorable car story worth mentioning is the one when faust took three laps in dtown fdub going the wrong way on a one way while all passengers screamed the most vile things in the world at all persons on the streets. someone with a little bit of time please elaborate.
who was in this car?
Faust almost ran over someone downtown Fort Worth a couple of years ago while we were drunk, then proceeded to yell at the person he almost ran over.
Drunk driving is dumb. No really, it is.
Another all-time story was the infamous:
Lubahn Wuz Hear
Apparently, I drive drunk a lot- it is not cool.
ask me. drunk driving and getting caught or fucking up is not cool. drunk driving in a controlled and safe environment, ie bumper cars, is cool.
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