Tuesday, September 14, 2010

So lately my life has been largely occupied by work. Specifically there was a deadline that we had to hit by the end of August. Long story short sometime this spring I mentally committed to not cut my mullet until we delivered on this task, fortunately we hit the target two weeks ago, but now I have become emotionally attached. This picture was taken today and I just wanted to share seeing as the tail's days might now be numbered. Also, tomorrow I will be taking this to present to the Office of Navel Research. Meaning, I will be rocking the business mullet.


marcspoke said...

is that intentional misspell? or belly button research?

keep the mullet. please.

Lee said...

Dang spell check got me cause naval is a word. Navel Research.

L said...

What a great morning....

A post my Lee with a pic, luv everything about it.

At first glance I thought that the photo might have been Butz.

Faust said...

I knew it was Lee the second I saw it. What a glorious morning. HIs first post in a year. I would have been happy if it was a picture of his balls.

The Bear said...

I teared up reading it, seriously. What a way to start a Tuesday morning

Adam said...

Wow. Lee, welcome home.

I thought it was one of those Geico cavemen. Truth.

Also, love the ironing job on the shirt.

Even though you've been gone, it seems somethings never change.

Lee said...

No doubt- I am not a good communicator. Btw it is spelled Naval.

BDub_210 said...

That thing is Whiskey Tango to the fullest. I think when I visited you in July it was in the "Euro Mullet" stage and was actually worked quite well with your steez.

Have you thought about combining the mullet with your handlebar mustache? I think you should seeing as it only takes about a half hour for you to grow.

marcspoke said...

what part of the water process are yall getting involved in? ie- camp pendleton has 6-8 working wwt facilities, the twin boob reactor.

Lee said...

I always thought the boobs were a nuclear facility. At this moment we only do seawater desalination.

marcspoke said...

will you post about meeting seaman brass?

Butz said...

Couple of quick thoughts/comments.
1) who took this picture?
2) was it candid or planned/did you ask it to be taken?
3) do you have a boss?
4) if yes to 3) has he/she commented on you doing research presentations with what appears to not just be a mullet, but a potentially very tangled and unkept mullet
5) if no to 4) how does he/she keep said management position
6) I have little to no idea what you do as a career
7) please do not try to explain it now
8) do you control space shuttle launch activities with the keyboard in front of you?
9) does the top of your ass crack look like the back of your hair
10) mine does
11) does your research involve the effects of a small dog in seawater?
12) see 7)

Lee said...

The picture was taken someone who reports directly to me.