Tuesday, September 28, 2010

United We Stand

Divided We Fall

Can I get an update on the U.S. these days?
If I read one more tea party story, I'm moving to Bhutan.
In Bhutan GDP is measured in happiness.


Faust said...

The economy is bad. Unemployment is high. The gap between the rich and poor is at it's highest ever. That's when movements such as the Tea Party begin to gain power. I think more parties is a good thing for the country.

None of this is due to Obama- who was inaugurated into this situation. Although, the country seems unconvinced he is making the right steps to get us out of it.

That's just my quick assessment. I hope this becomes a dialogue.

marcspoke said...

let me know about the bhutan thing. i know a route from nepal to tibet we could take. it's eight weeks of hiking and climatization, but zen is worth.

as far as america concerned, we are sitting in the tempest... things will get worse before we humans pull it together. global consciousness needed.

marcspoke said...

nazi emblazoned picketing is not an indication of american consensus. what ought to be understood are the actions taken by our government, in particular the "independently" acting federal reserve, who's mandate is to keep inflation and unemployment low. if this discussion is to have any substance, we ought talk about what most have no clue about... here's an example: permanent open market operations... http://www.newyorkfed.org/markets/pomo/display/index.cfm
keep watching cnn, msnbc, et al, as the masses do and one is doped with hopium. obama not the problem, but the trappings of his circumstances have veiled his consciousness, perhaps even corrupted his moral compass.

i'll get off my soap box.

The Bear said...

Things are a lot better down here in Houston then most places outside of Texas. Real Estate has slowed, but we are way back from when the market crashed 2 years ago. Banks are starting to make loans agains (however, with more equity, usually 35% down) and investors who can afford to buy are buying in Houston, SA, Austin, and DFW.

Stay optimistic.


Butz said...

I am moving on the the post where people are getting Iced, but I have interest in this Bhutan pilgrimage.

Adam said...

Good stuff. It's worrisome to read Time magazine or watch the limited U.S. news I get here (CNN, FOX News, HLN (which is rancid)) and not think there is a congested, angst-fueled storm of discontent and unrest. It's scary to watch from abroad. It makes me not want to be back in it, though here, like everywhere (except Bhutan), there is bitterness and frustration, just not near the amount in the US. At the same time, the US still remains the most important economic country in the world. It is the litmus test for everywhere else. I don't go to a press conference or read anything about Latin America without hearing about the US. Economically, we represent what a lot of people strive to be, even in the midst of our current woes.

I guess the concern I see from abroad is division. The Democrat and Republican designation seems to have no middle ground. You are one or you are the other and, while you probably don't know your opposition, you hate them. This is frightening and sad. I fear one day a "Democrat" will shoot up a Tea Party and a second Civil War will result in us nuking each other.

Also, as I get older, I no longer believe in peace. I think when I was younger I did. I no longer do. Accumulation of possessions, upward mobility, deceit; these things will always come with resentment.

We always want more of something. When we don't get it or someone takes it from us or we think that someone might have taken it from us, we become enraged. That never ends well.

Adam said...

Excerpt from Bhutan King's speech:

I am confident because I know the worth and character of our people. You are the true jewel of this nation. As citizens of a spiritual land you treasure the qualities of a good human being – honesty, kindness, charity, integrity, unity, respect for our culture and traditions, love for our country and for God. Throughout our history our parents have upheld these values and placed the common good above the self.

My deepest concern is that as the world changes we may lose these fundamental values on which rest our character as a nation and people. It is critical that we are able to recognize Bhutanese character irrespective of how far we look back into the past or into the future. The Bhutan we see is vastly different - unrecognizable even - when compared to the Bhutan in the time of our first King. Yet, the character of our people and the nature of our fundamental values have remained unchanged. Henceforth, as even more dramatic changes transform the world and our nation, as long as we continue to pursue the simple and timeless goal of being good human beings, and as long as we strive to build a nation that stands for everything that is good, we can ensure that our future generations for hundreds of years will live in happiness and peace.

Michael said...

I believe it's an issue of over promising and under delivering. This leads to frustration. This is directed to fausts initial comment.

Adam said...

What was under delivered?

marcspoke said...

kevin, this is in response to houston having a better go of it...


Michael said...

that's a good question Adam. Maybe change to start with? I personally didn't/don't feel as though I was promised anything, however I think I'm in the minority.

You can't deliver when peoples expectations are this. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P36x8rTb3jI

L said...

I don't feel as though I was promised anything either although I still haven't gotten by free Obama housing money.

IMO he rallied the youth movement (18-30) to win the vote and has since lost complete touch with them.