Saturday, September 11, 2010

you asked for it adub.


Adam said...

Absolutely horrendous. Just dumb. Give me my 4:45 back and never ever try to convince me that this guy has any talent ever again. I'm actually getting up five minutes earlier tomorrow because I am so upset that I just spent the last five watching this joke of a comedian. The fact that he is popular in the US makes me glad I am not there. If you want to tell me to shutup, great. If you disagree with me, then I consider you the fool. Point out one funny instance in this. Please. I see nothing.

I am yet to see one glint of talent, one ion of originality or one moment above a 7th grade level from Spaniel Crosh.

This guy took an already asinine video, not created by him (of course), and then did a bunch of juvenile trash with the fat creator. Oh my, what an innovator! He shot a koala with an arrow (laughtrack included), cut off his arm off (later reappeared) and got poison ivy (later disappeared). Where oh where do the laughs end?!?!?

I think we can all agree Dave Chappelle, for example, was genius. He barreled through racial stereotypes with innovative humor that worked for everyone. A racial draft? Playing Prince in Pickup basketball? A white family named Nigga?

All written and/or created by him. While entertaining, he stood for something. He made racial tension funny, and that is very hard to do.

My question is, what the fuck does this dork stand for?

I see nothing. Making fun of a creator of a dumb video? The video was already pathetic, so, isn't the guy making fun of something pathetic, then just pathetic +1?

Comedians, true comedians, don't need gimmicks or youtube videos to provide them material. They don't use fluff because they have substance. They have purpose. You can laugh about something they observe "because it's true". "It's funny because it is true" is the essence of good comedy. We can relate to it. I can relate to Chris Rock mentioning that once you get a girlfriend, other women throw themselves at you. It's true and his presentation of it was funny. I cannot relate to Taniel Dosh (name not worthy of knowing) pretending to take mushrooms and finding Perez Hilton (who I don't know nor care to know) with rainbows in his butt.

If this is funny to you, spend sometime listening to comedians of the past. Buy a Bill Hicks album and listen to him joke about cancer. Then when you laugh, you realize someone just made you laugh about cancer. Cancer, race, cheating; these aren't funny topics, but when someone can find humor in it and show you how to laugh about that, then you are in the presence of a comedian.

If I am in the 10-1 minority, so be it. I stand where I am and spit back in your face, reminding you, with a plenty of debt to prove it, that I spent 4-5 nights a week in what's known as the comedy mecca. Does that mean I know funny and you don't? No. No one knows funny. But when you actually study it, however silly that might be, you can learn to decipher between what is unique and what is recycled trash. To me, Branial Gosh is recycled trash.

Brown, get a refund on your tickets.

Oh yeah, and go TCU. Sports!!!!

Brown said...

Adam I stopped reading after the third chapter... The guy is funny..

Faust said...

Do you like Gallagher?

marcspoke said...

how's two and a half men? costa rica's numero uno? charlie sheen on your fridge?

i'm pretty sure i (via tosh.badass), just showed you the face of the double rainbow guy. and then you got to see to a blurred out perez hilton's ass!?!??!... with a quadruple rainbow, all the way, by the way, coming out of his ass. how much more could you want from life?

youre too hard to please.

marcspoke said...

comedy snob. what's not funny about shooting a baby koala with a bow and arrow.

if he's not funny, then at least witty.

The Bear said...

That video was fucking hilarious.

marcspoke said...

i copied, pasted, and passed along your tosh rant to his manager. will post any response.

L said...

I didn't even read past the first 2sentences and want my 4 seconds back?

Adam said...

Gallagher is the classic prop comic. If you are trying to compare Naniel Mosh to Gallagher, don't. All of Gallagher's prop use was original. His ideas, his creation of the Sledge-O-Matic to smash watermelon's, his comedic choice to jump on giant trampolines.

Posh takes something already created by someone else and then comments on it. So painfully unoriginal.

Kevin, what was so "fucking hilarious" in this video?

Sorry 4 righting sow much Brint.

Faust said...

I have to say (with the exception of the Koala hunting) I didn't find this video to be one of his best.

The Rainbow guy was surprisingly witty.

The Bear said...

Tosh makes me laugh, his personality. This video is intended to be funny, I think it serves its purpose.

"And I think the question everyone wants to know is Were you high?"

marcspoke said...

i only put this up b/c someone put up double rainbow, which is now comedic commentary, ie prop, ie maniel tosh.

Adam said...

It's fun to ruffle the feathers e'ry now and then.

Probably time to let this thing RIP at the end of a quadruple rainbow.


Friends. :)

Butz said...

I am immensely interested in Double Rainbow's life history. I would watch an ESPN 30 for 30 on him.

marcspoke said...

im not letting it die. im posting a tosh.daily for as long i feel it takes.