Monday, October 11, 2010

This made me cry.


Michael said...

Just watched it again. same result. cry laugh.

marcspoke said...

laugh cry ditto.

drunk marc needs to find helicopter pilot job.

Adam said...

As for the AW-BW rap-off, I'm thinking we should both post at the same day, around the same time. Maybe like next Thursday night at 10pm, leaving Friday and the weekend for our talents to be interpreted by the masses.


marcspoke said...

arrange date and time. arrange skype call. mute each other. spit hot fire. rinse. wash. repeat.

marcspoke said...

conference call probably best. so we can all listen in. yes another preposition.

BDub_210 said...

This is not a freestyle:

The Bear said...

Is that the guy on the Sprite commercial?