has anyone ever been in a group email, had a conversation with just one person from said grouped email, while you thought that you were still in original group email and being super witty and awesome, only to realize an hour or more later that you were having an awkward exchange with just one person from the group? i feel like this is potentially a common occurrence.
i did this with butz last night in reference to minnesota summer funtime.
i'll start post with last exchange that the group saw:
butz- I was hoping to camp with Miller, so he could be my campin' companion and take care of my "needs".
(and here's where i fuct it up, and start brainfart-realization-timer)
me- last thing im gonna do is wipe a ewok's ass.
butz- I can wipe my ass. I just need help with other tasks.
me- what other tasks? i dont know how to make you feel safe outside.
butz- Its not that I don't feel safe. I just need someone to cook for me. And feed me. With their toes. I thought that could be you?
me- if i go to minnesota for sum summer time fun, i will certainly feed you from my toes. and, i hope you like raw fish same as me. ain't no french fried taters where lubedbond is goin' ... if you havent watched deliverance, now is the time.
somebody should bring a blowgun, and yall should kill and eat varmin 'n smores. or karp. who likes koi?
me- and i just realized we're off the email string. brain dead.
butz- Yep. Just me and you talkin weird stuff. Makes it more weird
(kevin responded by now, and put email string back on track)
me- we gotta put the conversation out to the rest of em so we dont feel so queer.
--end conversation
only took me an one and one half hours to realize it was just me and butz frolicking through fields of email man love.
i love man. i know, i know, lame.
This was the cream in my coffee this morning.
mission accomplished.
This is the hardest the blog has made me laugh in some time. No offense to the always entertaining blog, but this is outstanding. I think I was putting your human voices to the comments, which made it all the better.
me- and i just realized we're off the email string. brain dead.
butz- Yep. Just me and you talkin weird stuff. Makes it more weird
i cant help but think we're just nerds, and nobody wants to drink our kool-aid.
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