Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Inner Circle, I present to you Fundamentals of the Game with Matt Bonner.
You dont have to be a Spurs fan to appreciate the genius behind The Red Rocket aka The Medium Fundamental.


Butz said...

I think you do have to be a Spurs fan.

marcspoke said...

sluggish atari-zelda intro, needs proper montage. spurs are only winning cuz the nba is fixed.

did this boner get bored with his nba life and decide to get a hobby?

im pretty sure he thinks he's chuck norriz.

i use one hand when i masturbate and fingerbang.

luke's part was cool, but only cuz ima cromag idiot.

why am i continuing to parts? it's not optional, just continue... he just made a pearls reference.

boner fundamentals. spurs players are fucking nerds.

BDub_210 said...

If my memory serves me, the I intro is from Mike Tyson's punchout.

Did Julian Assange come out with a Wikileak detaililing the Spurs and NBA ? I must have missed that. I can see how they would want a small market club like the Spurs to win it year after year.

Matt Boner's sandwich blog is amazing. The other thing I find cool about the Red Rocket is his frugality. Dude drives a Pontiac Grand Am he bought in New Hampshire some did not have to pay sales tax. Also, he earned the nickname by riding the subway in Toronto.

The Bear said...

This is the greatest video this blog has ever owned. Worth every second.

marcspoke said...

bonner is russian.

Adam said...


I dont believe it.

BDub_210 said...

He is actually From New Hampshire. The only professional athlete from the state. His grandfather was from Newfoundland and he has applied for Canadian citizenship. Also, he has a deal with New Balance.

I feel like that Dego Tony Rialli after PTI. Glad to have you as a Spurs fan Chambone!

Faust said...

Chris Carpenter is also from New Hampshire- and better in every way than Matt Bonner.

marcspoke said...

chambers was being saracastic, he mustve gotten laid or killed someone, or had a good day at work.

BDub_210 said...

Didn't you grow up in New Hampshire and Summer in the Hamptons pretty boy Faust? You should love that guy.

When I met Faust he told me he was from Maine, New Hampshire, New Orleans, Jackson Whole and Boston.

marcspoke said...

The Bear said...

Miller, you have a video that can explain said universe, maybe something from the Discovery channel?

marcspoke said...

incomprehensible when visualized. stick to grammar and syntax until further advised.