Monday, February 21, 2011

Nerd's Corner
(Williams age 11)
The Costa Rican version of Netflix has recently kicked-off, and now for only $4, small mustached men on dirt bikes will deliver pirated movies to your doorstep. You are given two months to return them and, given that they ask for no credit card information, you could (if so inclined) keep them forever.

As the service grows (known as CinExpress), the movie selection is improving. Last week I rented and watched Metropolis ( (links! links!!). Have you seen this? German directed 1927 film. It's silent but has a great score and, for a movie that was made 84 years ago, is fantastically impressive. This nerd recommends it.

Also, I recently finished Portnoy's Complaint, written by Phillip Roth in 1969 ( (links! links!). Without question, this is the funniest book I've ever read. Puts David Sedaris or Augusten Buroughs or any other contemporary humorist to shame. It's about growing up as a neurotic Jewish kid and, while repressing almost all other urges, is uncontrollably sexually charged (including leaving dinner to jerk-it or banging the family's liver prior to serving it for dinner). It's f'ing hilarious and bizzarely and appropriately includes a TCU reference when talking about his envy of Goyim (non-Jews) and why blond girls would never date a slimy Jew like him.

"For these are the girls whose older brothers are the engaging good-natured, confident, clean, swift and powerful halfbacks for the college football teams called Northwestern, and Texas Christian, and UCLA. Their fathers are men with white hair and deep voices who never use double negatives, and their mothers are the ladies with the kindly smiles and the wonderful manners who say things like "I do believe, Mary, that we sold thirty-five cakes at the Bake Sale."

These are my nerd recommendations.

Have I written too much? If so, here's a daffy picture to break-up the excess wordage.

Happy President's Day!

Think we can go a work-week without a post of a link or a video about racoons throwing fade patterns?

Me neither!


The Bear said...

Happy President's Day to you as well. Maybe Costa Rican's just live by the honor code, did you think of that or did you just think of stealing? Just kidding, I know you are not a theif.

Be careful what you wish for regarding types of posts. Videos with no text is fine. Pictures with no text is fine. There are no rules to this blog, nor should there be. It's always delightful to hear a book or movie review such as the above, but Ill also watch racoons throwing fade patterns all day long.

It's bedtime for the democracy.

Faust said...

And a Happy President's Day to Adam. Thank you for the good Monday morning read. I wish I read books. I hope to one day. I am currently on pace to read two books a year.

The Nintendo Nerd is pretty awesome. He's owning it.

Adam said...

I don't want rules, but I wouldn't mind some substance beyond just raccoons throwing fade patterns all week.

By substance, I mean things like Butz's Christmas Carol Story or Faust's Mega-douche at a party story. This at least provides a glimpse of our own lives, versus videos and inane links about other peoples' lives. Videos are fine but when they are incessant, I feel like there is no actual communication taking place. If that is the case, I will just begin calling everyone, and that would just be the pits!

marcspoke said...

substance? how many different ways can you rewrite catcher in the rye?

Adam said...

entirely different, but easy to throw stones when you haven't read it.

more links! links!!

marcspoke said...

i googled: "portnoy's complaint compared to catcher in the rye" ...

one of the links!!! albeit from a customer review on amazon, said:

"Portnoy's Complaint: It's like a perverse Jewish version of "Catcher in the Rye" that spans a..."

entirely different. how many different ways can we describe masturbation. i'll start with choking the chicken... marauding the macaw is off limits.

Adam said...

So this customer's review thus validates your uniformed perspective?

I've read them both and hardly see a parallel.

I think we could describe masturbation as the ejaculation of drivel-laden links you spurt all over the blog.


Ok, I dont want to do this and no one wants to read us doing this. Paz. Truce. Love.

Marc, write us an antecdote from your life. Maybe a day in the life of springtime at TCU so we can all vicariously whim at what we will never live again.

marcspoke said...

uninformed? did you need to read this book to feel
comfortable about masturbation?