Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Pretty cool idea by none other than Radio, Television, Film students..

Suck it Business & Engineering School


Adam said...

Would have been better with the penis spliced in.


Aren't you a businessman these days?

The Bear said...

I love how our webhost has time to come in here and shrink our videos, but doesnt have time to comment.

I recently bought a device to dub my vhs tapes onto my computer. So businessman by day, but RTVF entrepreneur by night.

Faust said...

I wish you would learn to format your videos yourself.

I thought they did a really nice job. It's a hell of a lot better than anything I did in college. Sometimes, I wish I tried a little harder in college. But, that would have cut into my doing nothing time.

Butz said...

I feel like I could have made that, though I have never made anything of the sort or even tried.

Is that hard to make? This is a legitimate question.

Faust said...

No, not really. But you could not do it.

Adam said...

That doesn't leave you much time to be a Bear.

marcspoke said...


marcspoke said...


marcspoke said...

is "biznass man by day..." not instant classic?

BDub_210 said...

Did they turn down Carnnigie Mellon and The Julliard School?!

Wow,it seems our football program is having ripple effects.

marcspoke said...

im pretty sure someone from an engineering dept setup that backdrop. get it? the back dropped. and im pretty sure some sort of business transaction resulted in that boom at the beginning of the video. video that coat tailed the engineering and business aspects. very creative use of both elements though.

BDub_210 said...

Both actors are being nominated for best Short Screenplay Adaptation of a Movie made 10 years ago.

Go Frogs!