Monday, February 21, 2011

random poll request: would you rather: read fiction? read non-fiction?

ive lately thought less of fiction, as there's enough that seems not real in real life. but i will trump your nonsense with links!!! all i have time for lately is the incessant linking of drivel to people... in my spare time that is.

for the iphone, if you have one that is... wait for it... ohhh... oh god, fuuuuucccccccccckkkkkk yes:

and shitty link two in tow... anybody know colleen prietz? fuellllllll tvvvvvvvvvvvvvv, ooooohhhhhhhhh, gawd... fuckkkkkk, yes! :

who pissed in your cheerios anusdub? oh wait, oh gawd, yes... i did. not really.

paz. truce. love.


The Bear said...


marcspoke said...

two for nonfriction. nonfriction.

Faust said...

I like fiction. That girl is crazy hot- but loses .5 points for a nasty lower back tattoo.

marcspoke said...

im not a fan of a stamp. ie all of my sister's tattoos. but i am a fan of obnoxious and painful. i believe you deducted for obnoxious. too big to be stamp. yes, she is absurdly hot. and british by way of germany. her role on fuel tv is: show cleavage. she, no shit, has a freudian bell that chimes everytime she's back on the boob tube. it's rad.

i promise tap dj is worth the look.

Faust said...

Thanks for the Twitter love, Bear.