Monday, March 21, 2011


marcspoke said...

i dont think chambone knew. i think cr should still be the destination, but i dont know i should partake... walk before ya run, ya know?

marcspoke said...

ok. so, wednesday afternoon last, about 430pm, i joined a couple of drip mates for free beer at the pepsi stage at sxsw. around 630, after 3 16oz lone stars, myself and the other two in tow were told to mosey from our outdoor afternoon pepsi forum to our indoor evening one, where free drinking would continue for another 30mins for me, at which point i was to meet my sister, monika, erin, jamie, katie and katie, for katie's birthday celebration evening out. i had previously, at the 630 mosey to indoor venue, snuck backstage in an attempt to find out who the surprise entertainer would be for the evening. note: sxsw is as much a free event as it is a snobby/artsy /technocrati/etc event. i aimed the free route. the free route has its perks and its bumbles, as anything does. the way the pepsi event, and most of the free shows, work included that the beer would be free, but the price of the entertainment was that it would remain a surprise until it pops up pepsi style on stage. im game, i'll figure out how to beat the system. in the 30min i had access to the indoor part, i discovered that matt and kim were to play at 1030. yes. i thought this info was gold and got excited. 707pm, i walk from 4th and red river to sixth and lamar, 10min max. i meet the girls and excitedly informed them of the events that could be for the evening. dinner, me excited, two margs, shrimp tostadas. ztejas. all were on board and by 9pm ish we were back at pepsi, which was only marginally more crowded than when i'd left it two hours earlier. awesome. free beer. front stage. zero to minimal crowd, maybe 200 in a place with capacity for 2000+. this all seemed perfect to me, as the bday girl works for a living, and gets about the equivalent of williams' salary, maybe less. she teaches, she drinks beer. 200, is apparently the "sea of people" i "disappeared" into to get the girls drinks, beers. monika's words. i'd given monika a sneaky look which obviously was not received, and off i went. was thinking im saving them a wait in line, and besides the chatty kathys were gawking and gossiping it up. in. nope. returned with drinks, no girls where i left em. maybe 15min have passed. now circa 945. i text monika. "wtf, mate?" ...or something like that. heated debate, i hate you, fuck off, see ya, wait, no, stop, no, no i hate you. bye. 30sec ish later, she's off to hangar lounge, which has a swell(see what i did there, swollen ankles about to happen) rooftop deck. 20 more sec, im after her, angry, trying to reconcile some answers. why the fuck am i not staying at a show i know is going to be rad? oh, because my already irreconciliable gf is ready to bail on us, i can salvage this, love overcomes. i foolishly follow. instead of entering hangar normally i went in my way, thru the alley, and up the back side of the building's wall pipes. once to the top i simply hopped down, and basically landed at their table. at this point my sis is gone, no control in place. when i landed, mon's amiga, jamie( a real prize ;) call her the hymenator ) smart assedly remarks "did you just jump up here?" or something like that, i angrily responded "yeah, and then im gonna hop back out"... pointing at the ledge arbitrarily. heated debate ensued, mixed commotion stubborn emotion, people arent watching, im feeling wreckless. jump didnt look bad, didnt look high at all, especially if i pull a sweet little parkour move i know nothing about. and i'll just hustle back to my pumpkin carriage matt and kim show. attempt made, grip slips, feet land unevenly, gumby legs. 10 ish. bouncer yelled at me as i clasped my hands under my left my ear and closed my eyes, and ignored him, lower extremities sorta dangling, brown pants camoflauging blood. send ems, please. 1030, naked on 4th and colorado, whirrrrrrrrrrrroooooooooooooooo.

sorry to worry anyone or ruin a bachelor party. i say cr is still on. pura vida.

marcspoke said...

all times subject to einstein's theory of relativity. 430-630 involved a lot of walking until uncrowded stage with free shit found.

Anonymous said...

damn it miller...get well and if you need anything give me a shout.

Adam said...

Your stitched broken legs shrouded in heavenly cotton clouds is the most innocent and fragile picture I have ever seen of you.

Great story, bad jump, good music, bad rhythm, free beer, costly miscommunication. Shrimp tostadas, flacid frog legs, frozen margaritas, night on the rocks.

Maybe you and the girliefriend should learn to be civil. If not, BREAK it off. You have championed the "yes, and" response to emotional drama.

Fort Worth Star-Telegram reports that in your absence, leashless uncut pits are taking over the TCU campus as we speak.

The Bear said...

Holy shit. I actually can kind of feel for you a little more now that I know the full story. Ive done dumb shit under dramatic circumstances,... however I have yet to jump off a 3 story building.

Get well soon Miller. (large exhale...)

marcspoke said...

guess i'll have to post the next pic. wherein i diagram my movement. thanks, kevin. with friends like these i can do anything.

L said...

Wow....i leave the world for 6 months frozen under 23 feet of snow only to come out and find Miller jumping off of buildings Sam Fisher style

Get will Mr. Miller

marcspoke said...

thx lube, i well.

BDub_210 said...

Shrimp tostados.

Get well.

Break a leg.

Adam said...

Good to half you back Brint.

Adam said...

We could use some Mazur, Brown, Butz commentary on this.

A tragedy in the brotherhood should result in unity.

IN Zax,

Coner Gillboy

BDub_210 said...

I love you Miller. Myself and the Weiss clan have you in our prayers.

marcspoke said...

thanks, weiss. i kinda feel i shoulda kept this quieter in retroperspective. i take it seriously, but at the same time, im not down and out about it...

Adam said...

We take it seriously too. You compounded both of your f'ing legs. But you are alive, will continue to live and will eventually be fine. Once that was know, its made it alright to joke about it. Eases the seriousness.

L said...

You need to take it seriously because for some very bizare reason you thought that you could JUMP FROM A BUILDING....

marcspoke said...

20 ft drop, max.

i know what it is to not be able to walk. will for the next half year at least. i shouldnt have done it, shouldve kept my mouth shut about it.

im out for a while.

BDub_210 said...

Blame it on March Madness.

The Bear said...

I am a bit surprised that 20 feet would break both your bones like that, but I guess the concrete combined with not "nailing" it, is what did you in. Have you been drinking milk? Calcium?

BDub_210 said...

Miller is lactose intolerant. I know from his burps....

You're not going to be able to walk for the next 6 months?

I'm not sure how you could keep this quiet. We are your friends and care very much about you.

I would expect to hear from you in the next 6 months.....Portillo could have kept this on the low considering we speak to each other on an annual basis.

The Bear said...

Portillo represented himself in the court of law in the case of Lee Portillo vs. UHaul in one of the best Lee Portillo stories Ive ever heard. This happened like 2-3 years ago, wouldve been a great blog story, but was never told until he pointed it out to me as we passed the UHaul location on the way from the airport to our hotel.

Adam said...

At least give us a recap, as we will never hear it from him.

Did he beat Uhaul? Thats got to be tough to do.

The Bear said...

He got destroyed

Adam said...

Story needed. Lets try to encourage a Portillo post about this. Bombard him until he posts it, as he does our cell phones when Portillo is ready to talk.

Lee said...

Miller - I am really sorry your event happened. I feel my Malock story is not appropriate to interject into Millers legs getting destroyed.

The Bear said...

Hi Lee. When do we get to hear your story?

Butz said...

I am more impressed with the pipe-scaling than the building leap. I might be wrong, but that seems harder?

Might I ask the reaction of the group of girls after the leap?

marcspoke said...

the group of girls were not impressed, and thought i was trying to hurt myself. if i wanted to hurt myself i wouldve done a swan dive. more to the point, i'd use the gun i carry everywhere, loaded, and stick it under my chin. but, that's not an option, life is too much fun. drunkeness is no longer an option either, that's pretty well out the door.

Adam said...

Those happy to see the end of drunk Miller:

* TCU fuzz
* Katie Dalrymple
* Cars
* Fuzzy's Taco
* The bar you tried to light on fire that led to Lubahn peeing on a car that led to my arrest and late arrival to a family funeral
* Lambda Chi Alpha fraternity
* New Years Eve
* Women
* The State of Arizona
* My Costa Rican landlord

Those sad to drunk Miller go
* TCU tailgates
* Bar tabs
* Fuzzy's Taco
* Willie Nelson
* Matt Chambers's dog bed
* Fleece zip-ups
* New Years Eve

Thanks for the memories drinking Miller!

marcspoke said...

sure thing.