Monday, March 21, 2011

Dear Miller,
Sorry to hear about your fall.
Part of me thinks Brent Lubahn would have laughed to see you as a heap of compounded bones on the concrete.
Costa Rican Bachelor Party dreams


marcspoke said...

that's awesome.

here comes a picture.

Adam said...

This dog is a faggot.

marcspoke said...

you have to really mean it when you call something a faggot. you have to say/type the word faggot with a lottttttttttttttttttta hate in yer hart. corey hart.

Adam said...

you're right. I was jacked up on late night coffee and Central American trivialities. Sorry dog.

L said...

Seriously....just put the damn dog down!

Adam said...

Lubahn is a staunch advocate of dog slaughter.

Butz said...

I also advocate dog slaughter.

Miller, I am not sure what to type to you. Compound fractures are impressive?

Adam said...

I found a drawer in Lubahn's old room full of plastic dog heads. His key chains were made of puppy paws.