Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Happy Birthday Adam! I'm sending you some Propecia samples in the mail as a gift for your THIRTY years on this planet!


marcspoke said...

kev, im at 13 followers on twitter. one of which is yoko ono. i plan to pass you within the week.

Adam said...

Slater can move.

Thanks for the propecia comment. I'll be sure to send you some Xenadrine and Zoloft for yours.


I'm fully braced for a blog halting over-reaction.

In 5,4,3,2,1...

BDub_210 said...

Oh snap. It's all good playa. I'm on a diet of nuts, beans, and water. I read about it in the NYT. You should check it out.

Propecia is really expensive and I got the samples por gratis. Let me know when you accept the truth about your Mr. Balding.

Adam said...

Im hanging in there. Might go someday, but so what?

I was a decent looking youngster, so I got that goin for me.

BDub_210 said...

I'm considering taking it as preventative maintenance.

BDub_210 said...

Yo, did anyone else see Mike Sorrentino aka "The Situation" totally bomb on The Donald Trump roast last night?

Snoop totally worked him.

The Bear said...

Happy 30