I love Earth
People who are "green" always get mislabeled as hippies, or tree-huggers, or over-zealous nature dorks. Having lived in a region that is just some jungle isthmus that emerged from the ocean some time ago (or maybe is sinking into it), I admit I am becoming green. I get it. I appreciate it. You live in a place that is stupefyingly rich with nature for long enough, you begin to get angry at hotels or highways or golf courses mowing through it.
I'm a f'ing green and there's no turning back.
I get it. Your life is awesome. Don't hide behind being green to show off your pics to make us jealous.
I fucking hate P90X
Great post, Brown. Williams, go fuck yourself. I am going to burn it all down upon my departure in June.
Maybe you are right Brown. But I am getting lame with green, reducing plastic, eating vegetables, etc.
Also, I think everyone should take note of Brown's new Avatar, which is pretty fantastic.
i saw triple rainbows coming off of the waterfall above the posted one every time i jumped.
waterfall posted above... sorry.
I have to say that spending time on a river is good for the soul. Boating, fishing, swimming, taking pictures of international border conflicts (wink), whatever.
River time is good time.
Costa Rica - "Home of the Water Mexicans".
Where are you going to after your work visa expires?
I have a temporary residency. Come and go as I please.
every 90 days he leaves for 24 hrs, finds yosemite sam, and returns with flowers...
Just noticed the header for this month, absurdly hilarious
To you, I tip my hat, Mr. Faust. A banner well done, indeed.
I credit your challenge, Mr. Butz. You are truly "running the point."
Mantastic header.
Header of the century.
brillance is spilling like lube on.
Glad you caught the joke irony in the misspelling of brilliance. Get it? Like misspelling genious.
Or like mispeling misspelling.
Anyhow, back to the header.
It's flawles!
Is that 3rd picture of that airplane hanger/hotel in Costa Rica?
No. It's a hotel in Manuel Antonio that is absurd. I've done nothing in my life to merit a weekend in such a place...
Or have I?
places, big time nouns, down there in costa rica land, are separated with commas when piercing anus. if we could i'd like to spend a month and post demon's devil semen, or whatever you call it, adub, all over the tico. it's about time you grew a pair and hopped on that high horse to burma, or the maldives. start thinking extenisive retort, now. or, on the second pic from the bottom, you should setup a waterballoon launcher. do you think one will fit? do you think you could shoot a waterballoon to texas? im sure you can find manuel antonio and y'all can tag team that shit. one latin love. you do appreciate foodstuff more in third world countries. or, where ever.
You should come back for CR spring break. It's Costa Rican summer right now. 84, sunny and warm.
Much better than the frigid 78 degree winters.
As for food, the only things I've been eating that are brown are peanuts, bread and beans (I guess a poop joke might be appropriate here). All meats fried, baked, or grilled are out. The more color in the grub, the better it usually is, excluding fruity pebbles or Nerds.
Dare I??
Links! Links!!
Story about an 87 year old millionaire trying to live to be 125. Doing it all on food. Second link has pictures of his diet. No salt, no sugar, no dairy, no poultry, no red meat, no pig. Pretty tough to avoid all those. Apparently when you do, you live to be a million.
Are you really "living" when you are eating like that?
But your poops are weird.
good luck with the diet, fat kid.
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