Thursday, April 14, 2011

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


marcspoke said...

it's good to eat.

The Bear said...

I need more

BDub_210 said...

Douse that shit in some Rico's cheese southside style ese.

Faust said...

I don't get it.

The Bear said...

Read the ingredients to the Crave's Cheetah Roll. You might have to click the image.

BDub_210 said...

Looks good.

Faust said...


Now, I get it.

Adam said...

Did you wash it down with a red Faygo drank?

I think I have a lot of creative respect for the chef that uses Flamin' Hots on sushi rolls. What the chef probably understands is that, due to the intense heat of Flamin' Hots, the fire can only be put out by consuming more Flamin' Hots. Great biz strategy.

Another good biz strategy for Flamin' Hots was used in Memphis. An man would buy $20 worth of Flamin' Hots every morning for 25 cents/bag. He would stand outside the main entry to the high school I worked at and sell the bags for 50 cents/piece. He made $20/day before 7:30am and supplied 80 kids with a good, nutritional breakfast. The bags were usually sold out in 5 minutes.

That man's name was Michael Bloomberg.

BDub_210 said...

Although very entrepreneurial in spirit, Mr. Blloomberg is not alone in the Hot Cheetos exploitation we are seeing at public schools (Southlake ISD not included).

I have been working at an after school program for the Boys and Girls club since September and the concession there consist of a modified version of the hot cheets.

Other items that can be purchased a la carte are:

"Takis" (Basically Mexican Hot Cheets on steroids that eat away at your enamel as you digest them)

Pickles - sour/dill variety. Some students add Lucas which is a chile powder for an extra kick.
They also have real cucumbers for sale with chile powder on them. This is my favorite item as I am a jar food baby.

Generic cola bought from HEB for $2 a 12 pack and sold for a dollar a pice (=$12 profit on each case bought/sold)
*Generic Big Red is a top seller

Frito Pies and Rico's nacho chips with Rico's cheese (powderized stadium cheese). It is important to note the Rico's cheese here.

Candy bars, m&m's and the like for the dulce minded.

Lastly, the number one seller is a bag of Hot Cheets with Rico's cheese poured in a similar fashion to a frito pie.

Butz said...

I will eat any pickled vegetable from any location at any time. This is something you should all know about me. I love things that are pickled.

I am wondering if your fine state sells "Rap Snacks". We have them at most urban gas stations in St. Louis. They are essentially chips with rappers on them and the rapper gives a bit of wisdom right there on the bag. For example, Master P has a rap snack (the more irrelevant the hip hop star, the better) and his advice on the back is "start your own business". Good advice? Sure. Do they expect the 18 year old kid with 4 children who just took the bus to the gas station to buy Rap Snacks to connect the dots from that point? Moral of the story is that Rap Snacks should include a sucessful business plan on every bag as well.

Butz said...

Also, I would not eat this roll because it has cream cheese on it. Cream cheese does not belong on sushi....neither do Cheetos. I am to sushi what Adam Faust is to indie music. Snobbish and unforgiving. Boom.