Sunday, January 22, 2012

hate to cast aspersions, burn in effigy, or blast unholy...

these are facts. one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter.


Adam said...

Happy Sunday!

marcspoke said...

merika... fuck yeah! naked guy was a marine.

Brown said...

That Somalia?

marcspoke said...

no. thats the oregon trail. and the friendly fellas in clothes are just showing the guy taking a nap where the mall is located.

Butz said...

That doesnt look like the Oregon Trail to me......

marcspoke said...

this was just my way conveying disdain for media that would presume to know what the fuck they're talking about... pissin on someone's grave is by no means cool... but until youve been in such situation, the kind that leaves you so miserable and adrenal gland confounded at the same time... stfu.

Faust said...

I feel like that guy is kind of milking it.

marcspoke said...

yeah.. that prick.